How about preparing Vegan Cheese Bread in a simple, easy and tasty way? See the...
See a simple and easy recipe for Cake Fofo for your breakfast!
A mug cake is a delicious individual dessert that can be prepared quickly and...
Shall we make a Chicken Stroganoff for your lunch or dinner? Check out the recipe!
Check out a great recipe to make your Cream of Corn. It will be great!
Make this homemade cake that is simple, easy and economical. Check out the recipe:
Check out an easy, simple recipe that turns out to be a delicious Blender...
Want to make pasta with white sauce? Learn how to make this Béchamel White Sauce!
To eat one with coffee, this Fofinho Cornmeal Cake is a great option! See the...
Make a very good Pancake Dough so you can put whatever stuffing you want!
Shall we make an Orange Cake for our breakfast? Always very good! Check out the recipe:
Let’s make a Delicious Chicken Pie. It’s a simple and easy recipe to make!
Do you want to make a Simple, easy and quick Corn Cake? Let’s go!
Want to make a Banana Cake for your afternoon and morning coffee? Accompanied by a...
Make a Chicken Fricassê for your lunch and dinner. It’s simple and easy to do,...
Shall we make a Condensed Milk Pudding dessert? See the simple and easy recipe!
Check out a very easy and simple Carreteiro Rice recipe to serve for lunch!
See a very easy and simple recipe for Bala de Coco, it will be...
Check out this very simple and easy Chocolate Cake recipe. Your breakfast will be perfect!
Want a Carrot Cake recipe that is delicious and easy to make? Check out!
You know that Pastel de Vento you ate in childhood? Check out a great recipe!
Make a Caramel Sauce to shape your desserts!
Make a very tasty Cod Salad with this simple and easy recipe!
Make a Ham and Cheese Beirut recipe from Habib’s that looks just like it!
Make one of the most famous snacks in the world, the famous Burger King...
Want to make a homemade version of Mac Donald’s most famous snack? Check out this...
Let’s make a delicious Palm Heart Pie with a simple and easy recipe!
Make a Vegan Soy Stroganoff that is simple and easy to make!
Prepare scrambled eggs with cheese and ham which is delicious and easy/simple to make!
Make a perfect white rice, fluffy and tasty to use as a base for...
Make Mexican Style Rice, also known as “Arroz a la Mexicana”!
Pesto is a traditional Italian condiment paste made with fresh basil, pine nuts, Parmesan...
Spaghetti Carbonara is an Italian pasta with a creamy egg sauce, pecorino romano cheese,...
Sopaipillas are a type of fried bread typical of Chilean and Mexican cuisine. It is...
Tacos al Pastor is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of pork meat roasted on...
Banana Cake with Oats and Honey is a homemade cake made with ripe bananas,...
Tomato Basil Soup is a hot soup made with ripe tomatoes, onion, garlic, sugar,...
Strawberry pudding is a dessert consisting of cream or condensed milk mixed with chopped...
Strawberry margarita is a variation on the traditional margarita cocktail that includes strawberry puree...
Colombian empanadas are a variety of empanadas, or pasteles, that are popular in Colombian...
Learn how to make a Green Corn Juice like the ones you buy on...
Learn how to make the perfect Roasted Cauliflower for your lunch and dinner. Check out...
Salmon sushi is a variety of sushi that is made with sushi rice and...
Make a very healthy and tasty spinach and ricotta omelette for your lunch!
Canjica is a traditional Brazilian recipe made with boiled and ground white corn, milk...