Blender pie

Synonymous with a successful snack, this blender pie is perfect for those looking for flavor and practicality in the kitchen!

Blender pie

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking time



With this blender pie recipe you guarantee a tasty and easy-to-prepare snack!


  • Dough
  • 3 eggs

  • 2 cups wheat flour (tea)

  • 1 cup of water (tea)

  • 1 cup of milk (tea)

  • 1/2 cup (tea) of oil

  • 1/2 tablespoon chemical baking powder

  • 50 grams of grated parmesan

  • Salt to taste

  • Stuffing
  • 1 chopped tomato

  • 1 can of corn

  • 1 piece of yellow, red and green bell pepper

  • 250 grams of chopped ham

  • 250 grams of chopped mozzarella

  • Chopped olives to taste

  • Oregano to taste


  • Add the eggs, oil, water, milk, grated parmesan and salt to the blender. 
    Turn on the blender and add the wheat flour, baking powder and beat until homogenized. 
    Transfer the dough to a greased shape.
  • In a container mix the ham, mozzarella, chopped peppers, chopped tomatoes, corn, oregano to taste and mix well. 
    Add over the pasta and decorate with tasteful chopped olives.
  • Take the pie to bake for approximately 40 to 50 minutes in a preheated oven at 180º₢.
  • Cut the blender pie into pieces as you like and the recipe is ready to be served.

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