Blender Pizza (Dough and Chicken Stuffing with Catupiry)

Learn how to make a delicious chicken blender pizza with catupiry with homemade dough to make your weekend tasty in an economical way! See recipe.

Blender Pizza (Dough and Chicken Stuffing with Catupiry)

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking time



In order for your pizza with a liquid to be perfect, check all the ingredients (use whatever you want for the filling) and follow the instructions in the preparation method.


  • Filling
  • Oil 1 tbsp (13 mL)

  • Chopped onion ½ unit

  • Shredded chicken 250g

  • Tomato sauce ¾ cup (180 mL)

  • Chopped parsley 1 tbsp (5g)

  • Catupiry 4 tablespoons (120g)

  • Oregano to taste

  • Olive to taste

  • Pasta
  • Egg 1 unit

  • Milk ½ cup (120 mL)

  • Butter 1 tbsp (20g)

  • Salt a pinch

  • Wheat flour 1 cup (120g)

  • Chemical yeast 1 teaspoon (5g)


  • Filling
  • In a saucepan over medium heat, add Oil 1 tbsp (13 mL);
  • Add chopped Onion ½ unit;
  • Let it gold;
  • Add shredded chicken 250g;
  • Add Tomato Sauce ¾ cup (180 mL);
  • Mix;
  • Add chopped parsley 1 tbsp (5g);
  • Pasta
  • In a blender, add Egg 1 unit;
  • Add Milk ½ cup (120 mL);
  • Add Butter 1 tbsp (20g);
  • Add salt a pinch;
  • Add 1 cup (120g) all-purpose flour;
  • Beat well;
  • Add Chemical Yeast 1 tsp (5g);
  • Mix with a spoon;
  • Transfer the mass to a greased and infarcted shape;
  • Take to preheated oven at 200 degrees for approximately 15 minutes;
  • Assembly
  • Add tomato sauce;
  • Add chicken stuffing;
  • Add the catupiry;
  • Add the olives;
  • Add oregano;
  • Take it to the oven for another 15 minutes;
  • Your blender pizza is ready!

Recipe Video

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