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The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicilloftook the polarization with the right-wing opposition to bizarre levels this Thursday, by denouncing in an act together with the Minister of Security Sergio Berni and the Lieutenant Governor Verónica Magario that lThe leaders who “now want to blow up the State and promise adjustment, when they governed they destroyed the police and their salaries.” The words were said on the occasion of the discharge of cadets from the ‘Juan Vucetich’ Police School and motorcycle drivers, in the Buenos Aires district of Vicente López.

Along these lines, equating workers with repressors, he maintained that, “in a framework of wage adjustment, to all workers in the province, the body that suffered the most was the police” and stated that the administration of Cambiemos (today Juntos for Change) “was boastful of his security project, but he cut 30 points of salary to police officers.”

Kicillof, however, “forgot” to say that these police officers were used during his administration to repress popular and worker struggles, such as the violent eviction of homeless families in Guernica that his administration carried out, with Sergio Berni at the helm. He also omitted to refer to the police rebellion that, at the gates of Quinta de Olivos itself, he extorted in 2020 to get increases in his salaries. The governor’s false progressivism has long since been defeated.

At the event, the governor also indicated that “instead of a fleet of cars, we received a junkyard, ammunition and expired vests, and interrupted driving and shooting practices.”

He also analyzed that the governments of Mauricio Macri and María Eugenia Vidal “melted the province and the police”, pointed out that “when we took office, there were 6,000 fewer agents than at the beginning of the previous stage” and described this management as “a real disaster”.

“We are crowning an enormous effort to continue working on the path of recovery and transformation of this force. We received an absolutely decimated police force,” Kicillof said in his message to the graduates.

In that context, Kicillof stressed that his management carries out “the most important investment in terms of police growth, equipment, modernization, recovery of vehicles and training and professionalization.”

At the same time, it was noted that in July the police will receive a 40% salary increase; The improvements in the working and salary conditions of the police officers in these three years of management were highlighted; the investment of almost 5,500 million to renovate the police stations; the implementation of the program to improve security in rural areas, which contemplated the complete replacement of the vehicle fleet of the 106 Commandos with 428 new rural patrol vans.

In times of electoral campaign, securitary demagogy and the strengthening of the forces of repression, the false progressivism is buried.


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