Late on Sunday night Maximiliano Pullaro, a candidate supported by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, prevailed as the winner in the PASO of Unidos para Cambiar Santa Fe (unity between Together for Change and the Socialist Party). He did it against Carolina Losada, Patricia Bullrich’s candidate. This space heavily defeated the national and provincial ruling party: at the close of this edition, 65% to 26% was imposed. Peronism thus suffers a heavy defeat in one of the key provinces that it has led since 2019, when Omar Perotti prevailed over the PS-Progressive Front. In the city of Rosario, Pablo Javkin prevailed in the PASO and will compete with Juan Monteverde, who will be the Peronist candidate in the general elections. In Rosario, the space for Unidos para Cambiar Santa Fe was 53%, compared to 34% for Juntos Avancemos. This shows a shift to the right of the political scene.
During the short but intense weeks of the electoral campaign, discontent and anger with the national and provincial government was perceived in the streets. This atmosphere was expressed in the elections: there was a 10% blank vote and a percentage of absenteeism of around 40%. The figures are eloquent: half of the register did not vote or did not go to vote. The curious thing is that the electoral regime of Santa Fe imposes a floor of 1.5% of the census in elections where only half vote.
The big loser in the election was Peronism, both at the provincial and local levels. An acute economic and social situation focused on the national and provincial governments, responsible for inflation and the increase in the cost of living, is punished, to which is added a serious crisis due to the actions of drug criminal gangs with state complicity in plain sight. .
In Santa Fe there is a crisis in the entire political regime, which is expressed in shootings at schools, unions and businesses, in murders that shocked the population such as the murder of the child Maxi Jerez or the execution of the musician Jimi Altamirano. The serious overall crisis affected, electorally, the ruling party. The “winners” of this election are also part of the rottenness of this political regime: Pullaro was accused by his opponent as concealing a police chief imprisoned for drug trafficking. Pullaro himself, in turn, denounced the existence of illegal wiretapping. Both things are true: not only Peronism, but also the opposition front as a whole is an inseparable part of state complicity with drug trafficking. In this framework of crisis, any triumph is weak: discontent points to them too.
In a scenario of deep political crisis of all the institutions and of a distrust with the traditional parties, the group of the political forces carried out an obscene campaign of posters, billboards, publicity, purchase of space in the media, multi-million dollar, city by city, category by category. The Titanic Orchestra. Within the framework of an electoral system that places multiple obstacles (vote floors to overcome, there is no free advertising, complications for the assembly of lists, an unusual system of a single ballot) to the forces of workers and workers, to compete against this level of millionaire devices was a more than difficult task.
Now, do not confuse an electoral result that favors a right-wing force with a change in the relationship of force between the classes, in a province where the dock workers, the socio-environmental movement, the teachers’ union, the unemployed and the neighborhoods, workers and health workers, among many other sectors. This force showed willingness to fight and will be expressed with greater magnitude in the streets.
The left
Within this framework, with a significant shift to the right of the political scene, the left was unable to be a channel of expression in the face of the disappointment and discontent that was expressed. Between the two FIT-U lists, the one headed by PO and MST, and the one headed by PTS and IS, the votes obtained do not retain the 37 thousand votes obtained with the FIT in 2019 (the MST was not part of the FIT ) and even less the 25 thousand votes that the MST obtained.
The list of PO-MST prevailed in the STEP to that of the PTS-IS in governor. The current election, however, showed that neither of the two lists managed to channel the anger of the workers and the people, within the framework of the many difficulties imposed by the provincial electoral system and its single ballot system.
Within the framework of a serious institutional crisis and with alarming social indices, the PO and the MST campaigned against the PTS and, ultimately, against the FIT: the set of their statements, interviews and acts included diatribes against the other list and your candidates. As if they were an alien party to the left. The MST even criticized the PTS for being “light”, in a province where until a few years ago they shared an alliance with Carlos Del Frade, who today heads a list with former PS officials.
The PTS together with the compañeras and compañeros from IS carried out a militant campaign, neighborhood by neighborhood, school by school, unitary and militant. In a short but intense campaign we were able to join forces in each of those places, among port workers, among women from the neighborhoods of Rosario, in Santa Fe, and other places where we expanded our militant force. At the close of this note, our list prevails in mayor of Rosario with Irene Gamboa, in mayor of Santa Fe with Selena Grimalt, in Villa Constitución with Fabricio Rodríguez at the head, in Villa Gobernador Gálvez with the metal worker Javier Monzón and Juan José Gauna (IS), and in councilor of Fray Luis Beltrán with the teacher Florencia Suárez.
At the end of the note, the prosecutors arrived at the PTS headquarters, after auditing the schools, in an election that was known to be difficult. As part of a collective reflection, a new great fight towards the national elections is proposed for the PTS and the Left Front, with Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño, with the possibility of developing more groups, collectives and activity in unions, neighborhoods and among the youth. The fight to strengthen the left that showed in Jujuy that it is at the forefront of the fights continues.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com