Do you want to make a delicious vatapá with a very simple and easy recipe? Check out!
Vatapá Paraense from Shrimp
servingsPrep time
minutesCooking time
minutesFor your vatapá to be very tasty, write down the necessary ingredients and follow the step-by-step preparation method.
1 kg of salted shrimp (soak in water for 30 minutes along with the shrimp heads)
2 liters of water that you will beat with your heads in the blender
4 cups unbleached wheat flour
2 cup of water
Bell pepper to taste
Garlic to taste
Onion to taste
Green smell to taste
Palm oil (I only used half of it)
1 bottle of 200ml coconut milk
1 level spoon of salt to taste
- In a blender, add the shrimp heads;
- Add water;
- Beat well;
- Pass the mixture through a strainer;
- In a pan, add 1 strand of palm oil;
- Add Garlic to taste;
- Add 1 medium chopped onion;
- Add half chopped bell pepper;
- Sauté;
- Add headless shrimp;
- Add the broth from the head;
- Let it boil;
- Add a shallow spoon of salt;
- Add green smell;
- In a blender, add 4 cups of unleavened wheat flour (each cup has 200ml);
- Add 2 cup water;
- Beat well;
- Add the mixture to the pan (little by little while mixing);
- Add palm oil (I put half the glass);
- Add 1 bottle of coconut milk;
- Mix well;
- Your Shrimp Vatapá Paraense is ready!