“Ukraine is going to win the war.” It is the message that Pedro Sánchez has left in the Parliament of that country, where he has delivered a speech during his visit on the occasion of the start of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU, which begins this Saturday. “There are two battles: one on the battlefield and the other in the minds, because this is a battle of ideas and the Ukrainian people have already won it,” said the head of the Executive, who was convinced that soon you will see a “Ukraine reborn from its ashes”.

Borrell sees Putin’s power touched by Wagner’s rebellion but fears the “instability” of a “nuclear power”


“They fight for peace and prosperity for their children and all Ukrainian soldiers know it. The Russian military fights in fear, they will be punished if they don’t,” said Sánchez, who referred to the rebellion that Wagner’s mercenaries staged last weekend. This situation has opened up a ray of hope for the Ukrainian army, although Vladimir Putin’s weakness is also worrying in Europe, especially in eastern countries. “If one of the parties shows weakness, it is because there is someone who shows the opposite: determination. And that is what I see here: determination, strength and courage ”, he added.

“The Ukrainian people have chosen the European path. You are Europeans”, Sánchez told the Ukrainian parliamentarians. Ukraine received candidate status in record time and is now in the midst of the reform process so that negotiations can formally start. Volodímir Zelenski, who will receive Sánchez later, urges the EU to begin this phase before the end of the year. For now, the European Commission will make its evaluation in October and, from there, the 27 will have to decide whether to open negotiations.

“We will support Ukraine regardless of the price to pay”

The president has congratulated the Ukrainians for the progress they have made so far -the preliminary evaluation is bittersweet, however, because Brussels only gives the go-ahead to two of the seven requirements that it has set- and has encouraged them to continue with the reforms, which he has ensured are good by themselves to improve the economy or attract investment. “They will guarantee you access to the EU, which is more than the largest single market in the world, it is a community of values”, Sánchez asserted: “It is worth the effort”.

He has also ruled on one of the debates that is on the table and that is how to guarantee the security of Ukraine in the medium and long term taking into account that the entry into NATO is not planned in the near future and that would be what It would provide an umbrella of protection against Russia since an attack on an ally is an aggression against the alliance as a whole.

“The aggression against Ukraine has shown us that it is necessary to defend them effectively. Not only with words, but with deeds. Therefore, we will have to rethink the security framework to guarantee that Ukraine can live free of aggression or intimidation”, explained Sánchez, who has been in favor of “promoting Ukraine’s political participation through the creation of a NATO-Ukraine Council , in which you will no longer be a guest, but a member, a full member. We are also in favor of reinforcing practical cooperation, to further adapt your defense sector to NATO standards,” he added.

Sánchez has announced a new aid package of 55 million euros for the reconstruction of the country: “We are and will be with you for as long as necessary. We will support Ukraine regardless of the price that has to be paid for it.”

Sánchez’s words come on the first day of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU, which will have an uncertain end due to the electoral battle. The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who has created a working group in case he has to take over after the elections, has expressed through Twitter his “loyalty and commitment” to the semester.

The second vice president and Sumar candidate, Yolanda Díaz, has also promised to work for the “social pillar and the green pact” during the presidency and, at a time when the right is recovering power in Europe, has pointed to the need for Spain to continue on the progressive path.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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