The recount of the Galician elections this Sunday is not showing a turnaround in Galicia. With 51% of the votes counted, Alfonso Rueda’s PP has managed to maintain its comfortable absolute majority with the same seats that the now leader of the popular party at the state level, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, obtained in 2020. This 18F, always according to the recount percentage cited, the PP achieves 42 seats, four above the absolute majority.
It is followed at a distance by Ana Pontón’s BNG, which although it grows compared to four years ago, remains with 22 seats. The third force is once again the PSOE, although it falls from 14 in 2020 to the current 10. The main novelty is that with the percentage scrutinized, Gonzalo Pérez Jácome’s Democracia Ourensana enters the Galician Parliament for the first time.
These provisional figures come after participation at 5:00 p.m., the last time in which data has been given, climbed to 49.17%, six points above the last three electoral calls: in 2020 it was 43%, in 2016, 42.5% and in 2012, also 42.5%. In 2009, the most contested recent election, it was 49.3%. In 2005, the year of the victory of the bipartisan party formed by PSdeG and BNG, the figure at that time reached 46.7%.
The first data scrutinized contrasts with the survey prepared by GAD3 for TVG published at 8:00 p.m., just at the closing of the polling stations. According to this survey, the PP retains the absolute majority although Alfonso Rueda loses support compared to the Alberto Núñez Feijóo era and goes from 42 deputies to between 39 and 40. The BNG is the second most voted party, and goes from 19 to 25 or 26 seats in the Galician Parliament. The PSOE, which currently has 14 deputies, remains at between 9 and 10.
The metrocopia company run by Narciso Michavila also points out that Democracia Ourensana, the party led by the mayor of Ourense, Gonzálo Pérez Jácome, may obtain a representative, while Sumar and Podemos are left out.
The latest CIS, published last Monday, glimpsed a more complicated scenario for the PP. According to that barometer, Alfonso Rueda would win between 34 and 38 seats tonight, with many possibilities of falling short of reaching the absolute majority. That CIS predicted that the BNG would be the second force in the Galician Parliament, with 33.4% of the votes and between 24 and 31 seats. The PSdeG would go to between 9 and 14, with 18.1% of the ballots.
The center directed by José Félix Tezanos included the possible entry of three other forces in the Galician parliament: Sumar would obtain between zero and two seats and 2.8% of the ballot; while Democracia Ourensana gives between zero and one deputy.
A Coruña (prov.)
-% escr.
Pontevedra (province)
-% escr.
Source: www.eldiario.es