In an act of total cynicism, the head of the Buenos Aires government of the PRO attacked those who do not have a place to live in CABA, just a few days after the explosion of the Edesur power plant and the collapse in Caballito that ended with the death of two retirees.

The head of the Buenos Aires government Jorge Macri attacked the people who do not have a place to live in CABA. He did it through a video that he published on his X profile this Friday, while there are thousands of users who do not have electricity after an Edesur power plant exploded last Saturday, and a collapse left two retirees dead in Caballito. after the worrying floods that were seen in the City after last week’s storm that found him on vacation in Europe.

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Specifically, in the video Mauricio Macri’s cousin pointed out that one of the commitments he made since he came to government is to improve the use and enjoyment of public space.

“Security is one of the requirements, order and cleanliness is another,” said Macri, and launched: “We have been reinforcing cleaning systems in critical areas because There are many people on the street who mix the garbage badly, who make a mess.and that creates a difficulty for you who want to enjoy and move through public space.”

He then expressed his concern, not about the housing situation of the City, but about the smell of garbage: “This service reinforces container areas, it is done up to three times a day in many critical areas of the city, it has to do with cleaning, deodorizing, cleaning the containers, not only using the pressure washer but also the sidewalk cleaner in the area where the container impacts. When the team leaves the smell, the aroma changes a lot“.

Finally, he stressed that what it is about is maintaining the “beauty” of the city: “We want you to enjoy the city, be a local, be a tourist, be comfortable, safe, and be beautiful, as expected.” deserves this City.”

It is not the first time that the now Buenos Aires Head of Government attacks those who have the least. During the 2023 campaign he had said that he was going to close the ATMs at night because some homeless people “had transformed them into studio apartments.” “Today ATMs have become the studio apartment for some, they take over some sectors of the City. We have to lift the bar a little and recover that outside for the neighbor. Maybe nothing will happen to you, but many people feel insecure about that reality. “They are verbally aggressive,” the then candidate for mayor of the City had said in an interview on Radio 10 in May 2023.

The City of Buenos Aires is the richest in the country, but at the same time it has a large housing deficit where it is increasingly difficult to rent due to prices. In CABA, there are more than 8 thousand homeless people, according to the National Survey of Homeless People (ReNaCalle) carried out by social organizations and published in December of last year, which doubles the figure officially reported by the Buenos Aires Government. Jorge Macri’s cynicism has no limits.

You may be interested in: Jorge Macri: on vacation again in the midst of the landslide and flood?

Jorge Macri, head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA)

Politics / City of Buenos Aires / Housing / Jorge Macri / Right to housing / Street situation / CABA


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