Barely a week after the great electoral date of 28M, the big parties begin to put their cards on the table in view of the early call for the general elections on July 23. In the PP they do not hide that the plan is none other than stretching the strategy of repealing Sanchismo and keeping the President of the Government at the center of the pyre of political debate. Opposite, in the PSOE they move token with the intention that Alberto Núñez Feijóo share that focus, convinced that the overexposure of the opposition leader would also lead to the wear and tear of his public image.
Feijóo rejects the six ‘face to face’ proposed by Sánchez
The Socialists face the challenge of overturning in a little more than 50 days a political trend in favor of the right that was reflected in the distribution of territorial power that the regional and municipal authorities ruled on the 28th. And for this they intend to prevent Feijóo from going from tiptoe for the electoral campaign. For this reason, during his intervention at the elDiario.es event on European recovery funds, the president proposed up to six face-to-face electoral debates with the PP candidate.
“There are seven weeks left until July 23 and there is time for citizens to form an opinion about what each one offers and about the advantages and disadvantages of each option. I’m waiting for Mr. Feijóo next Monday, ”said Sánchez, who justified his proposal on the need to convey to the public the details of the two country models that will face each other at the polls. “Debates to know and compare models. Debates to banish insults and demand respect in democracy. Debates to argue from the data and not from the hoaxes ”, he maintained.
Actually, the intention in Moncloa is to turn the entire electoral campaign into a permanent face-to-face between Sánchez and Feijóo. “There are only two possible presidents,” remarked the leader of the Executive, who nevertheless clarified that the six debates for two that he intends with his opponent would not exempt him from holding others with the rest of the candidates. “There are other important forces at the national level and that must be expressed in other debates that are compatible and complementary, because they will complete the information of the citizens”, he pointed out.
The PP does not confirm even one
In the PP they did not take long to reject outright the challenge of Moncloa. “When one is anxious and wants to divert attention, they do eccentricities,” the popular spokesperson, Borja Sémper, ruled out at a press conference, who also avoided up to five times confirming whether his leader will face the PSOE candidate on a set television even once.
“We are convinced that Spain is not for eccentricities,” insisted Sémper after the Steering Committee of the PP. “We understand the anxiety of President Sánchez, but we ask him for calm and tranquility,” he said.
The roadmap for Calle Génova happens because between now and 23J the fewer things happen the better, mainly in what has to do with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and for this reason they do not even consider entering the spiral of electoral debates raised by the PSOE. “Spain does not need six debates, Sánchez needs them,” argued the PP spokesman, who said that the president’s approach “is one more reflection of what has happened this legislature” with “a president more aware of his needs than of the of the Spanish.” “Sánchez is more comfortable on the set than on the street,” he concluded.
But in the PP they not only reject those weekly ‘face to face’ that Sánchez proposes, but they also do not confirm that Feijóo is even submitting to the debate to two that various private media have raised, in addition to the debate to four that RTVE will organize.
“We are going to analyze the requests within the campaign committee,” said Sémper. “We do not rule out anything,” he replied at the insistence of the journalists, without confirming if there will be a “face to face” between the two.
Yolanda Díaz criticizes the initiative
The president’s offer received an immediate response from his coalition partner. “Bipartisanship is the past,” said the second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz. The Minister of Labor responded harshly to what she sees as a movement by the Socialist Party to take out the space that she tries to group in the same platform of the public sphere.
“We look at a wide, diverse Spain. The one from the year 2023, the one from the future. It is not reduced to a debate between two men is more. I believe that the women and men of our country want more”, she defended during a speech at the event ‘European Funds III: Spain, for global leadership in the green and digital economy’ organized by elDiario.es. “Whoever believes that the future of Spain is summed up in a photo of Pedro Sánchez and Feijóo is out of the reality of our country,” she had warned shortly before in a message on social networks.
It is a message similar to the one launched in Podemos. “What Sánchez wants is to return to the two-party system, to the cycle prior to 15M,” said party spokesman Pablo Fernández at a press conference on Monday. In the party they consider that the “desire” of the Socialist Party is to return to the old “turnista” system that prevailed before the irruption of Podemos but they maintain that this analysis is wrong: “That is not going to happen, coalition governments are a inescapable reality”. “Sánchez does himself a disservice because he is clear that without our space it is impossible,” he insisted: “The PSOE does not realize that Spain has changed.”
Source: www.eldiario.es