Surely many, many feel it when walking through the City of Buenos Aires or hear it from friends or families. “There are more people living on the street.” And it’s not just a feeling. The Buenos Aires government itself recognized that today in CABA there are 3,511 people living on the street. In April 2022 there were 2,611. It is 34% more.
This type of census often does not reflect the reality of those who are homeless and end up spending their days on the street. This is always marked by different organizations that assist families in street situations.
But the official data is still worrying. The journalist Lucila Marin (LN) was able to speak with GCBA authorities who recognized the increase in figures and its cause: the increase in poverty and indigence, beyond the cases where there are health issues or other particular issues. In addition, a third of those who live on the street also sleep there. Among the reasons are the conditions of the centers available to the government.
Many end up sleeping in the ATM facilities, as the candidate Jorge Macri “denounced” cynically. Or in bus terminals or the Aeroparque, where every night more than 100 homeless people sleep there.
But the data is only the tip of the iceberg of the dramatic housing situation. With unaffordable rents, overcrowding is increasing in the richest city in the country, people living in villas and settlements, or in houses without conditions like the one that collapsed in Floresta a few weeks ago.
In a city with thousands of vacant homes, largely due to real estate speculation, there are people sleeping on the street in the cold or rain. In an airport where flights depart to the world, there are people who cannot pay even a precarious rent. People who don’t have a penny to eat sleep in the bank tellers that earn millions a day. In the richest city, the irrationality of the system in which we live is even more exposed.
The Buenos Aires government, but also the Peronism that supports the same real estate policy and carries out the adjustment at the national level, is responsible for this whole situation. The arrival of winter makes everything more painful. Every year we have to mourn the death of men, women and even boys and girls, in the streets of the City.
We must denounce the social crime that continues to affect the daily lives of thousands of people and fight for work and housing for everyone, as the Left Front proposes.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com