This Tuesday the 23rd, the workers will carry out a new day of protest, paralyzing the 6 lines and the Premetro on a rotating basis.
Line H: from 5:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Line B: from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Line C: from 12 to 15 hours.
Line E and Premetro: from 3 to 6 pm.
Line A: from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Line D: from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
“We continue in this way denouncing the health crisis in the subway network due to the presence of carcinogenic asbestos, demanding comprehensive de-bestization and the reduction of the working day”declared Claudio Dellecarbonada, a member of the AGTSyP secretariat.
Dellecarbonara denounces “The Metrovías-Emova company is responsible for this crisis, for the workers killed and affected, for the contaminated users and for daily putting the lives of millions of people who use, work or are residents of the network at risk”. Clearly, since the workers discovered this carcinogenic material in their workplaces, the company began hiding it, then acknowledging it, and then taking lukewarm measures to solve it, when it is a highly serious health issue.
Faced with the insistent claim of the workers, the current response of the company is “a series of pressures against the workers, seeking to get us to drop our complaints, applying dozens of unjustified sanctions and illegally deducting hundreds of days of salary”declares Claudio.
Regarding the role of the City Government, Claudio Dellecarbonara explains “We also insist on pointing out the complicity of the City Government with the criminal actions of the concessionaire and endorsing from the Undersecretary of Labor the persecution against workers”.
This claim of the workers is supported by the law in force since 2003 that prohibits the use of asbestos, commonly known as asbestos, in addition to the fact that the claim of the workers has a favorable ruling by Judge Liberattori and all the recommendations of international organizations such as The OMS. However, both the state company Sbase and the concessionaire Emova do not comply with any of them.
The subway workers and their AGTSyP union have been receiving broad support from other union, social, and political organizations, such as the Ademys teachers’ union, which launched a solidarity campaign with posters in Buenos Aires schools, among others.
From Ademys next to the Interna de @AteGarrahan in solidarity with the enormous struggle of the workers of the @prensadelsubte against exposure to carcinogenic material asbestos present in the wagons and for the reduction of the working day and the distribution of working hours pic.twitter.com/GxX4Z1kJLe
— Ademys (@AdemysPrensa) May 15, 2023
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com