Lula at a G7 meeting. Zelensky is another Summit guest. Photo: reproduction

In a new meeting of the G7 summit, this Sunday (21st) in Japan, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva condemned the “violation of the Ukrainian territorial integrity”. Lula’s speech was made during the working session, which had new guests, among them, the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

“In line with the Charter of the United Nations, we strongly repudiate the use of force as a means of resolving disputes. We condemn the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. At the same time, every day that fighting continues, human suffering, loss of life and destruction of homes increase. I have repeated almost to exhaustion that it is necessary to talk about peace”, said Lula.

The Brazilian president once again defended that the situation in Eastern Europe be discussed by the United Nations. According to Itamaraty, Lula improvised on the subject. The Ministry informed that during his speech, Lula stated that those involved in the conflict should explain themselves within the scope of the UN, counting on Vladimir Putin.

A recurrent subject for Lula when he talks about international issues, the president once again defended that “the lack of reform of the Security Council is the unavoidable component of the problem. The Council is more paralyzed than ever. Permanent members continue the long tradition of waging wars not authorized by the body, whether in pursuit of territorial expansion or in pursuit of regime change.”

Considering the risks of new nuclear conflicts, the PT recalled why the UN was created in 1945: to avoid wars. “Multilateral conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms no longer work. Nuclear weapons are not a source of security, but instruments of mass extermination that deny our humanity and threaten the continuity of life on earth”.

After the session “Towards a peaceful, stable and prosperous world”, Lula is expected to have a meeting with Zelensky. The request for the meeting was made by the Ukrainian leader on Saturday (20), but the Brazilian president has not yet confirmed it, generating rumors that he may refuse the meeting so as not to displease the Russian government.

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