Salty cake

Make a great savory cake for parties. This recipe is delicious, check it out!

Salty cake

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking timeminutes

For your savory cake to be perfect, check out the list of necessary ingredients. 
Follow the step-by-step preparation method.


  • Filling
  • 2 cans of tuna or sardines

  • 2 medium carrots grated on the fine part of the grater (220g)

  • 100g of mayonnaise

  • 200g cream cheese

  • 1 can of duet (½ can of corn and ½ can of peas)

  • ½ cup of raisin tea (65g)

  • 2 packets of bread (I used 1 and ½)

  • 1 tbsp cilantro (I used cilantro)

  • Olives (to taste)

  • ⅓ teaspoon of black pepper

  • Salt to taste

  • Raisins (to taste)

  • Cover
  • 500 grams boiled and mashed potatoes

  • 3 tablespoons cream cheese or mayonnaise


  • Filling
  • In a bowl, add 2 cans of tuna or sardines;
  • Knead them;
  • Add 2 medium carrots grated on the fine part of the grater (220g);
  • Mix;
  • Add 100g of mayonnaise;
  • Add 200g of cream cheese;
  • Mix;
  • Add ⅓ teaspoon black pepper;
  • Add Olives (to taste);
  • Add raisins to taste (optional);
  • Add 1 tablespoon of green smell (I used cilantro);
  • Mix;
  • Add 1 can of duet (½ can corn and ½ can peas);
  • Mix;
  • Forge a shape with a plastic bag;
  • Add 1 layer of crustless bread;
  • Add 1 layer of stuffing and spread;
  • Repeat the previous steps until you use all your stuffing (finish the last layer with bread);
  • take to the freezer for 30 minutes;
  • Cover
  • In a sieve, add 500 grams of boiled and mashed English potatoes;
  • Add 3 tablespoons of cream cheese or mayonnaise;
  • Add 1 pinch of salt;
  • Mix well;
  • Develop the cake;
  • Add topping on top;
  • Pass mayonnaise on the sides (thin layer);
  • Add straw potato on the sides;
  • Decorate the edges with icing on the icing tip;
  • Add grated onion on top;
  • Finish the decoration;
  • Your savory cake is ready!

Recipe Video

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