Parental veto, tax reduction, repeal of the Democratic Memory law or reform of the trans law. The agreement between PP and Vox in Aragón comes with a deep ideological weight in which some of the traditional discourses of the extreme right can be seen. The general secretary of the Aragonese PP, Ana Alós, and the leader of Vox, Alejandro Nolasco, have presented this Friday the fundamental lines of the coalition government’s program, in which Vox will have two councils.

The agreement includes among its main points the repeal of the autonomous law of Memory. Both parties have charged against the current text in the presentation of the agreement, calling it an ideological law. The Aragonese trans law will also undergo changes. In this case, only the “reform” is considered. The PP in its day voted in favor of this law, but Alós has stated that they tried to modify some aspects.

The document signed between PP and Vox in Aragon speaks of violence against women or sexist discourses, although it also includes references to intrafamily violence. Ana Alós, the PP spokesperson, has said that they are not exclusive and that “just as there is violence against women, there is intra-family violence against children or the elderly, for example.” The term equality in this area does not appear in the document, so it is unknown if there will be any body in this regard.

The Vox program in Aragon contemplated the elimination of “superfluous organizations of the instrumental public sector and all those entities that carry out duplicate or useless functions such as the Aragonese Institute for Women and the Aragonese Observatory on Violence against Women.” This institution is an Autonomous Organization attached to the Department of the Presidency and Institutional Relations of the Government of Aragon and tries to promote equality between both sexes.

In addition, the agreed program includes urging the Government to “identify the rapists who have been released because of the “yes is yes law”, putting the necessary measures to protect women in the event that any of them they intend to relocate or are in our Community”.

The document sealed this Friday also includes an important fiscal adjustment plan that includes the bulk of the transferred taxes that the community has. Among other things, a bonus of 99% of inheritance and donation taxes is proposed in the case of children, parents, grandparents and spouses. It is a measure that is being repeated in all the agreements between PP and Vox. Both parties also advocate for the elimination of the wealth tax, but avoid subsidizing it in a general way as in Madrid or Andalusia. They will encourage investment in companies and raise the exempt minimum.

In Health, the agreement contemplates “auditing the real operational capacity of Aragonese hospitals”, including for this purpose the exploration of “public-private” collaboration. Regarding Education, the new Government will assume the approval of the parental veto regarding extracurricular content in schools. “Parents will freely choose and, where appropriate, authorize the content of extracurricular activities,” says the document sealed this Thursday.

The burning issue of the transfer

The agreement between PP and Vox includes a point in the Infrastructure and Environment section that talks about the development of hydraulic regulation works “necessary to guarantee the statutory water reserve, the modernization and expansion of irrigation, industrial supply and by mouth and the efficient use of water resources in the coming decades”. Nolasco has said that this has been the only point in common that has been reached regarding this issue and, therefore, it is the only reference that appears in this document regarding hydraulic policy, when this has been a burning issue for the entire campaign, both regional and state. In fact, Santiago Abascal himself spoke about it during the campaign in Zaragoza, when he said that they are “in favor of a National Hydrological Policy, of the interconnection of basins and of as many transfers as necessary so that there is no shortage of water anywhere.” from Spain”.

At all times the Popular Party has made it clear that it will not support a transfer of the Ebro, due to the problems of drought that the community has and that not all the reservoirs included in the Water Pact have been built. This issue was also one of the impediments for the Aragonese Party (PAR) to form part of the Community Government, since since its founding 46 years ago, the reason for its existence has been in opposition to this transfer. Ana Alós has said in this firm that one thing is what the parties have in the programs and another is what is established in this agreement which, according to her, only applies to the defense of the Aragon water reserve and the promotion of the “necessary” works.

The agreement includes a section on “territorial simplification”. Under that generic term, both parties include a range of measures ranging from “identifying ineffective laws” to a report ruling on whether there are “superfluous bodies.” “Initially we propose the dissolution, within the Cabinet of the Presidency, of the commissioners for the 2030 Agenda [una de las batallas ideológicas de la extrema derecha], Childhood and Depopulation”, says the document. It also includes the “rationalization of subsidies to social partners and development aid.”

There is also no lack of reference to housing occupations. “We will develop mechanisms to help and assist the victims of the occupation,” they point out without much specificity. They include, of course, a request to the central government to develop “the regulatory changes that make express eviction possible in 24 hours.” In the same section on housing and illegal occupation, they ensure that “all regulations and calls for access to subsidies and aid from the Government of Aragon will require proof of legal residence and not only the certificate of registration.”

The pact between PP and Vox has cleared up another of the unknowns that remained after 23J. Aragon was one of the last three communities that did not have a government, along with Murcia and Navarra. Now, Azcón includes Vox in his government despite the fact that he tried to govern alone and reach agreements with the PAR or Teruel Existe to carry out the investiture. However, the extreme right will finally be in the Government with two councils, one with the rank of vice-president. It thus joins the Valencian Community, Extremadura and Castila y León, as the fourth Government in which Vox enters.

The PP had already handed over to Vox the presidency of the Cortes a few weeks ago. Marta Fernández, who deleted her history on social networks plagued with hate messages, assumed the leadership of the regional chamber, which in the coming days will have to invest Azcón as the new Aragonese president, succeeding the socialist Javier Lambán.


How to stop the lies

The 23J campaign has made clear the tremendous importance of the free press, which depends on its readers and owes nothing to anyone else. The vast majority of the big media are owned by banks, funds and large communication groups. The vast majority of them have whitewashed the ultras and are under the control of the agenda set by the right.

That is why we ask for your support. We need to grow. Hire more journalists. Reinforce our local editions against the lies of the local and regional governments of the extreme right. Sign more investigative reporters. We need to reach more people, build a bigger newspaper, capable of countering the brutal wave of conservative propaganda that we are going to face. And that will leave small what we have experienced in this dirty electoral campaign.

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