The Peace and Justice Service chaired by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, published an open letter in which he spoke out against the anti-democratic reform that Governor Gerardo Morales intends to impose. “Jujuy’s political situation is demonstrating once again that political times are not people’s times,” he said. Social rejection of the attempt to impose a totalitarian regime in the province continues to grow.

Gerardo Morales’ attempt to reform the constitution of the province of Jujuy and impose a totalitarian and anti-democratic regime continues to garner repudiation. After a week of strikes by teachers and massive mobilizations in different cities of the province, in the last few hours the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, expressed his rejection of him.

Through an Open Letter, the Peace and Justice Service that he presides expressed its opposition to the governor’s initiative and stated: “The political situation of Jujuy is demonstrating once again that political times are not the times of the people, of the people A constitutional reform represents a responsibility and commitment to all sectors of that people, for this reason there is a reasonable amount of time to debate, discuss and finally agree on the articles that are to be reformed. when that debate takes place in record time, it is at least dangerous for the common good and suspect for political purposes. You cannot, when talking about democracy, violate laws that protect rights and do it with your back to the people.

In the published text you can read the questioning of the premature closure of the debate, denying the floor to many organizations and communities that will not be able to express themselves directly: “The issue of the representation of minorities will go, according to what Governor Morales proposes, to practically not be heard.”

You cannot, when talking about democracy, violate laws that protect rights and do it with your back to the people

Near the end, the document states: “If we had to list the articles that Governor Morales wants to annul and replace them due to his ambitions, it would be very long. We can only say that if this constitutional reform is quickly approved in Jujuy, Not only would they be violating rights that the peoples have achieved with effort and struggle, but what is worse, it would constitute a terrible precedent for the present and future of the democratic system“.

Pérez Esquivel against Morales reform in Jujuy – SERPAJ by La Izquierda Daily on Scribd

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Politics / Jujuy / Adolfo Pérez Esquivel / Gerardo Morales / Serpaj


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