There are 9 detainees in Salvador de Jujuy, within an order to arrest 24 people. Among them are Iván Blacutt, professor of the UNJU of the Socialist Left in the FITU, municipal workers and other compañeros and compañeras. They join three people who were arrested on Wednesday in Humahuaca. Among the detainees is the lawyer Alberto Nallar, accused of “sedition”. This is the first completely unusual argument: a lawyer who promotes the collection of signatures to request provincial intervention is accused of sedition.
These arrests occur after the statements by Governor Gerardo Morales, on Channel 7, interviewed on Monday, where he said that “they already had identified people” to carry out arrests. It was shown again that Morales already knows what Justice is going to do, before it acts.
This Thursday, in the afternoon, from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, prosecutors Walter Rondón and Diego Funes explained the “news” of the case for the events that occurred in the Legislature on June 20. The accusations against the demonstrators include, for example, resistance and attack on authority, functional hindrance and havoc, which would be damage to the Legislature. But the officials affirmed that there was “co-authorship” in all those crimes. They said: “We understand that those who acted in this case (…) did it jointly as if it were a common work that everyone contributes a little, some throw stones, others knock over the fence, others set fire; but in reality it is part of the same common work where there is a certain agreement to carry it out.”
See and hear to believe. For the prosecutors, the demonstration was a common work, an activity where each demonstrator seems to have assumed a role, previously agreed. Brilliant. The worst thing is that no one in the Legislature was identified. But the rest of the defendants helped anonymous people and roles were divided between them. They could also say that those who assisted the wounded are part of the co-authorship, because that way they wanted them to become part of “the plan” again.
This is in line with the governor’s “theory” that he is undergoing an attempted “coup.” A people making a coup? There is a basic question. Coups d’état are not carried out by mobilized peoples; they suffer. No change born from below, from a massive mobilization like that of the people of Jujuy, can be a “coup d’état.” Only in the delirium of Morales and his partner Larreta can this campaign phrase fit. His relations with people like Trump or Bolsonaro – who still continues to say that he won the elections in Brazil – lead him to assume these completely far-fetched “logics” as his own.
Where there was effective coordination It was in the actions of the police forces. There were police officers who repressed using their regulation weapons; others who shot with slingshots or threw stones with their hands; others in civilian clothes who infiltrated the protesters and collaborated in the many arrests. Of them, not one defendant from June 20, despite the undeniable and notorious evidence.
The videos with the Police -with and without uniform-, with their state and parastatal repression, reach hundreds of thousands of people. But… they didn’t reach the prosecutors. There is 4 protesters who lost an eye; trucks without patents that “lifted” people on the street; completely illegal raids and a teacher was tortured. The prosecutor’s office that manages to find an orchestrated “plan” among the protesters fails to discover anything of that common action of the State, which acted through “legality” and, sometimes, totally outside of it.
That same day, in a ferocious hunt, dozens of people were arrested in the neighborhoods. White trucks were used, without patents in many cases. There were illegal raids. pic.twitter.com/NLkG3CYTu0
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) July 13, 2023
If there is any realism in all this magical story, it is that there are detainees in Jujuy again. With these, there are already close to 200 people who have passed or are currently in a prison. maybe Morales believes that this is how he will get some votes from Bullrich in its internal But stop the people? That has another value. Its not that easy.
This Friday, in the framework of a new strike of unions enrolled in the Multisectorial, the workers will return to the streets. It’s fundamental guarantee that the strike is forceful for the freedom of all the prisoners, in support of the struggle of the teachers and as part of a common fight together with the native communities, which hold more than 10 courts in different parts of the province and must culminate in a provincial strike until defeating the repudiated Reform of the PJ and the UCR.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com