This Thursday night a massive mobilization Gerardo Morales and Peronism responded in their attempt to prohibit the right to demonstrate. The Torch March who had been summoned at the ninth day of protest It became even stronger and bigger when thousands of people found out that the conventional constituents of the UCR and the PJ were preparing to vote on the reactionary constitutional reform.
Confirming that this reform has a wide rejection in the population, Radicals and Peronists began the closing session almost in secret. They carried out an express procedure, seeking to approve the regulation as quickly as possible. Thus, hidden from the population, at night, they first approved the partial reform in general and then continued with the vote in particular until late at night.
Radicals and Peronists vote together in general. All “in the affirmative.” together against the people
– Alejandro Vilca (@vilcalejandro) June 15, 2023
They met secretly because they they are afraid of the mobilized working people. To that town that in these weeks came starring in a huge fight with massive marches in the streets, roadblocks and strikes in different sectors. In this fight they occupy a prominent place the teachers who have been stopping for an indefinite period for more than 9 days. For this reason, this same Thursday, Morales threatened him again. He now says that he is going to penalize the teachers who made the students paint posters. It is a true provocation that seeks to instill fear against a huge strike, which is sustained despite all the threats.
As a product of the fight, the government had to back off. It was achieved that withdraw highly criticized points of the reform, such as the intention to eliminate the midterm elections or that the force that won the gubernatorial election, regardless of the number of votes it obtained, would have an automatic majority in the Legislature. This fight also made Morales backtracked by eliminating the repudiated decree with which he tried to openly prohibit the mobilizations. He published it on Saturday and had to repeal it four days later because the popular anger continued to grow.
massive response
As soon as the news came that the convention was closing, the conventional members of the Left Front called to take to the streets against this trap. Alexander Vilcaalso a national deputy of the PTS-FITU, openly raised the demand that the CGT and the CTA call for mobilization.
– Alejandro Vilca (@vilcalejandro) June 15, 2023
Remember that this sector had withdrawn from convention meetings on Wednesday, denouncing the undemocratic farce that was being prepared. This Thursday night, the conventional members of the Frente de Izquierda Unidad participated in the massive Torch March and called to continue the mobilization. Once again in the streets, as from the first day, rejecting this reform together with the working people. At the same time, they again demanded a provincial strike to the trade union centrals to face this reform.
As is clear, this reform is widely repudiated. If the CGT and the CTA will call a strike that really paralyzes the entire province and a serious plan of struggle, which culminates in a General Strike, the reform could not be sustained. But the leaders of the centrals that respond to Peronism have been denying this perspective.
The leftFor its part, in addition to demanding these control measures, it states that it is necessary organize all the workers, youth and fighters in a common Meeting or Plenary, which allows voting on a common list of claims, between employed and unemployed workers. Such an instance would also be a point of support to fight to impose on the union bureaucracy the necessary actions to defeat the reform. But also for earn a minimum wage equal to the family basket, with a trigger clause that is updated monthly according to inflation; and achieve genuine work for thousands of unemployed, imposing a reduction in the working day.
At the same time that the Radicals and Peronists were voting against the roadblocks, the National Route 34 was closed. At the close of this note, the national route 9 was also cut, at the entrance to the city of the quiaca. The anger against this reform is very large and extends throughout the province. Continuing that fight, this Friday a new day of struggle will take place, with strikes, mobilizations and roadblocks.
Why do radicals and peronists vote together?
In Jujuy Peronists and Radicals vote together because they defend the same interests: those of the large mining companies and large agribusiness employers. These same interests are defended throughout the country by the two great bosses’ political coalitions. Together for Change and the Frente de Todos are the ones who guarantee the businesses of the big capitalists throughout the country. That is the same thing that is seen in Salta, where the massista Gustavo Sáenz governs, a governor who is a friend of Minister Sergio Massa who has repressed the teaching profession in that province and who also governs based on big business.
On the other side, the Unity Left Front was always together with the working people, rejecting this anti-democratic reform, denouncing it from within, showing that it was a trap and that all the “debates” were fake. That the real intention was to take away the rights of the workers and the people. This denunciation contributed to develop the mobilization against the reform and for wages. From this point of view, the work of the FITU Convention members was very important in all these weeks.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com