This Saturday, The province of Tucumán will be the setting for the relaunch of Sergio Massa’s presidential campaign. The current Minister of Economy will speak at an event organized by provincial Peronism. Before this event – called at 3 p.m. – there will be other meetings and meetings with different sectors of the ruling coalition.
Peronism arrives in Tucumán with inflation hitting hard on the salaries of the working class and the income of poor people as a whole. Although the official data corresponding to the entire country is not yet known, the calculation of the price increase in CABA. He number is chilling: 10.8%. A two-digit figure that, even in its hardness, does not finish registering the impact of the 22.5% devaluation decided by Massa himself on August 14, the day after PASO.
That devaluationas confirmed by the minister-candidate himself, was agreed with the Monetary Fund. That is, it is part of an adjustment menu that not only sinks the living conditions of the popular majorities, but also defunds essential areas such as public health or education.
Trying to align the troops
The act in Tucumán implies two central questions for Peronism. The first is to show the commitment of the governors to Massa’s candidacy. A support that the result of the PASO called into question, given the results that Milei achieved in many provinces governed for the ruling party. That is far from pure suspicion. Throughout the country, Peronism contributed to Milei’s election by taking care of the ballots in the dark room or by contributing – as he himself stated Sergio Berni– to the formation of the lists and taking care of their votes.
Now, with this staging, an attempt is made to send a different message. However, there is nothing to indicate that this will develop as the words indicate. Many of the Peronist governors They split elections precisely to avoid tying their fate to the national formula. To this we must add that examples of sectors of Peronism that wink at Milei are beginning to grow.
He The second fact about the event in Tucumán is the presence of Kirchnerism. Eduardo “Wado” by Pedro, Minister of the Interior and still formally “campaign manager” of Massa, is part of the delegation. However, the novelty It is contributed by the presence of Máximo Kirchner. In these weeks, one of the most heard political comments was, precisely, the absence of Kirchnerism in Massa’s campaign. His silence when supporting him as a candidate.
That silencehowever, It also contributes to supporting the adjustment in progress. It is silence in the face of the brutal devaluation carried out in agreement with the IMF. Or also, not mentioning the various benefits that are being articulated in favor of large sectors of employers.
Demagogy against the clock
At the start of his campaign, Massa bets again due to polarization with the right. In particular, it re-presents the future of the country as a result of an eventual choice between “two models.” To that speech, however, the story is not enough. The Frente de Todos (today Unión por la Patria) applies the adjustment ordered by the IMF. The same adjustment that Milei and Bullrich propose to deepen. What there are are variants within the same plan.
In this context, in the last few hours, Massa has been announcing that “If he is president” he will end the Income Tax for the fourth category. That is, it will eliminate the unfair tax that hundreds of thousands of workers have been charged for years and that the Frente de Todos – in government since 2019 – never eliminated.
Next Monday, summoned by Massa, The bureaucratic leaders of the CGT will go to the Ministry of Economy. The speeches talk about the elimination of the tax. The reality, most likely, will be that of an increase in the cap that relieves a portion of the workers who pay it.
Behind the words: complicit and subjugated
Campaign speeches can be confusing. It is true that the proposals of Milei and Bullrich imply deepening the looting and national surrenderwhile openly attacking the rights of the working class to make working conditions even more precarious.
However, Massa and Peronism condemn the adjusting right defending their own adjustment, scripted by the Monetary Fund from Washington. Its real “model” is the continuity of looting structured to guarantee payments of an illegal and fraudulent debt.
Looking ahead to the general elections, Only the Frente de Izquierda Unidad proposes a perspective that does not imply more submission to big capital or complicity with economic power. Only the left – which has as candidates Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño– proposes a way out so that the crisis is paid for by the big businessmen, banks and landowners who have been earning in recent years at the expense of workers’ salaries.
That fight also takes place in the streets. The next Thursday the 14th there will be a national day of struggle called by dozens of social, political, and combative union organizations.. You have to be. Because the right and the adjustment are stopped in the streets.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com