The teaching led a massive strike in the Province of Buenos Aires despite the open boycott of the Conduction Celeste of SUTEBA Province headed by Roberto Baradeland the pressures and threats from the government, inspectors and related managers. Compliance reaches 90% in districts such as Tigre, Bahía Blanca or Ensenada, and exceeds 70% in districts led by the sky list such as La Matanza, 3 de Febrero, La Plata or Lomas de Zamora. This shows that there are plenty of reasons for unemployment
The government was forced to give an account of the scope of the measure, but instead of responding to the claims, came out to attack the Buenos Aires teaching, with the statements of Governor Kicillof stating that “there are certain union sectors that the effort seems insufficient.” This was said by him during his visit to Bahía Blanca yesterday, a section where the strike was defined in a massive assembly of 800 teachers.

We remind the governor that these massive strike days, called by the sectionals and the Multicolor list, were decided by base mandates, by more than 7,000 colleagues who participated in assemblies and school debates.
In his statements yesterday, he stated that “of course it is missing, I am the first to admit it, but we must defend the public school.”
Precisely defending the public school is what teaching does every day, supporting it together with families and assistants against the defunding of all governments. That’s why, as proposed by Myriam Bregman of the Left Front, who is the only candidate for president who supports teachingthe fight for the public school and the legitimate right to protest; we are not accomplices of the adjustment nor do we submit to the IMF and businessmen, we fight to plan economic resources based on the needs of the popular majorities. In other words, money for quality public education!
🔴 #NOW | Act in front of the Ministry of @EducationAR.
✊🏻 Massive #ParoDocente in the province, together with Ademys and unions from different provinces, demanding a salary increase and a budget for public schools.
National Deputies of the #FrontOfIzquierda pic.twitter.com/sGGt7Ybsmk
— Front of Left Unity (@Fte_Izquierda) September 6, 2023
The government is hard on strikes, soft on speculators
The statements by Kicillof and Sileoni, even questioning the legality of the strike, saying that “if the strike is not official, the day is discounted”, and the militancy of the Celeste list from the schools against a measure of struggle, They are in tune with what Sergio Massa has been proposing: “Guys, the joke about unemployment is over. Enough”. Or saying that the problem with the emergence of privatizing ideas in reference to Milei, is that the 180 days of class are not fulfilled due to strikes.

What strengthens the right is precisely attacking workers and their rights, cutting health and educationand take measures that plunge the vast majority into poverty.
Schools continue to fall apart, the governor in electoral advertising boasts of having built 8 schools a day, when the reality is that overcrowding in schools is exacerbating and there are no schools in hundreds of neighborhoods. When it is cold or hot we are forced to suspend classes because there are no school infrastructure conditions.
How is it raised? from the declaration of the Multicolor: “Our kids are hungry. In Greater Buenos Aires, child poverty exceeds 60%, while big businessmen, speculators and banks continue to shovel it away. The Kicillof government allocates $142 for breakfast or snacks in schools and $345 for lunch. Can a developing child or young person be well fed and perform academically with these amounts? Many times it is the only plate of food that he receives per day. Enough crumbs! Universalization and increase in the quota of dining rooms, snacks and breakfast, for a healthy and nutritious diet for our students!
The anger and discomfort that moved teaching is to see how day by day the salary is not enough and liquefies with inflation. After the new blow of the devaluation of Massa of 22%, the only response from the government in the Province after the announcement of the Multicolor strikes, was an increase of 25% (of which 15% were already scheduled and correspond to previous parities, so the new increase is only 10%) to collect in October, that is, download the devaluation on our income. We are obligated to work two and three positions. We demand a salary equal to the family basket per position! Enough of the increase in fees, monthly indexing”
La Celeste de Baradel militating the adjustment, let’s win the streets together with combative sectors and the left
These 48 hours of massive unemployment show that there is a predisposition to fight, that if the leadership of SUTEBA calls for assemblies and measures to fight in unity with those of us who are fighting, we can put a huge force of teachers, students and families in the streets to face the adjustment and the advance of the right. We already demonstrated it in support of the people of Jujuy when the Ctera and SUTEBA decided to call the strike and mobilization that was growing from below, we staged a massive day.
Es unfortunate the role of the Celeste leadership, touring schools and threatening colleagues, talking about the legality of the strike, instead of giving an account of the situation of schools, teaching and the kids; instead of calling assemblies from the entire Province, and building a plan to fight against the adjustment that plunges us into misery. You have to organize this anger and discomfort in the fight, because it is the only way that more right-wing variants do not capitalize on it, attacking the strikes and endorsing adjusters is not the way.
To give continuity to this important strike, let’s continue organizing the schools together with the educational community from below.in unity strengthening the Multicolor coordination to impose from below the fight plan that we need while we fight to channel the vote to the Left Front in the October elections the rejection of the adjustment policies of the government and the right .

on that road This September 14 we call for massive participation in the call promoted by combative sectors and the left with the slogan “Down with the adjustment of Massa and the IMF, against the offensive of Milei and the right”. Let’s be thousands of teachers mobilized to raise high the flag of quality public education and the defense of our labor rights and the right to strike, salary and that of our students’ families.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com