President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s (PT) response to the arrest of Australian journalist Julian Assange, detained since 2019, had repercussions in the international press.
During a press conference about his trip to the United Kingdom, after attending the coronation ceremony of King Charles III, Lula was questioned by correspondent Sara Vivacqua, from the DCMabout his opinion regarding the arrest of the Australian.
Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, is in a maximum security penitentiary in the city of Belmarsh, England. The journalist is awaiting possible extradition to the United States, where he could be sentenced to a sentence of up to 175 years.
“It is a shame that a journalist who denounced the frauds of one State against another is arrested, condemned to die in jail”, said Lula. “The guy [Assange] did not report anything vulgar. The guy denounced that one state watched over others. And this became a crime against the journalist?”, he continued.
The journalist was responsible for one of the biggest leaks of secret papers of the US Armed Forces.
“The president of Brazil denounced the lack of joint efforts to free the founder of WikiLeaks”, wrote the prestigious North American website The Hill.
“The Brazilian president criticized the arrest of the founder of WikiLeaks as ‘an attack on freedom of expression,’” reported BBC News in England. “Lula said that the publication on the Internet of secret cables from the United States ‘exposed a diplomacy that seemed untouchable,’” he added.
“Lula defends WikiLeaks: ‘those who disclose are not guilty’”, published the British agency Reuters.
“In London, Lula calls for efforts to free Assange,” reported ABC News, the US media conglomerate.
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/resposta-de-lula-a-pergunta-do-dcm-em-londres-repercute-na-imprensa-internacional/