With this important result, the FITU returns to the Jujuy Legislature. There the three seats will be occupied by Gastón Remy, Natalia Morales and Miguel López, all of them members of the PTS-Left Front.

Gastón Remy, legislator

From left to right, councilor Keila Zequeiros, national deputy Myriam Bregman and legislator Natalia Morales, during the elections in Jujuy.

In addition, Keila Zequeiros, also from PTS-FITU, became a councilor in San Salvador de Jujuy. There the left will have two benches. Elías Ortega, a young worker (PTS-FITU), became a councilor in Palpalá, where the left went from having two seats to having 3 seats on the Deliberative Council, and Alfredo Ayarde, also from PTS-FITU, who was elected by the population of Humahuaca as councilor.

This election made it possible to win six conventional constituents, who will participate in that questioned instance, convened by the radical government of Gerardo Morales. Those six places will be occupied by Gastón Remy, Natalia Morales, Alejandro Vilca and Keila Zequeiros (PTS-FITU); and by Gloria Zambrano (MST-FITU) and Sebastián Copello (PO-FITU).

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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