President Lula wants China’s support to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council (United Nations). The president will have a meeting this Friday (14) with Xi Jinping, Chinese president, and will ask for the country’s support to join the group. The information is from the newspaper O Globo.
This is one of the points that will be negotiated by the PT with the Chinese leader. The country is the only one that has a permanent seat on the council that has not yet ruled on the Brazilian election. The other countries (Russia, France, USA and United Kingdom) have already manifested themselves in a favorable manner.
Currently, Brazil is a rotating member of the group, which has a mandate for the 2022-23 biennium. Alongside the country, Japan, Germany and India are seeking permanent council member status.
Another point that will be discussed between the presidents is the war between Russia and Ukraine. Brazil defends a peace plan and hopes that the Asian country takes a position on the proposal.
Global warming should also be addressed at the bilateral meeting, as well as the production of energy from renewable sources, decarbonization and sustainable economic development. The commercial relationship of agricultural products is also one of the guidelines.
China is expected to announce investments in infrastructure projects in Brazil, mainly energy and railways. The topics of research and technological development, digitization of services and trade facilitation are also covered.
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/lula-quer-apoio-da-china-para-que-o-brasil-se-torne-membro-permanente-do-conselho-de-seguranca-da-onu/