The former legislator and councilor, who today is running as a candidate for mayor in the City of Córdoba, voted at the Escuela Ejército de los Andes located on Gral Tomás Guido street, in Barrio San Martín.

After 8:30 in the morning, at table 1172, he cast his vote and posted on his social networks: “When you are always on the same side, it is easy to decide the vote. I already voted compañeros,” he said, and mentioned his compañeros and compañeros on the list of the Left Unity Front, Liliana Olivero (IS) who is running as a candidate for governor; Luciana Echevarría (MST) who heads the list of legislators; Soledad Díaz García (PO) who is Olivero’s deputy and Javier Musso and Noel Argañaraz who are also on the legislative lists and are members of the Socialist Workers Party, an organization for which they are leaders.

In the midst of a scenario with crisis in the two main national coalitions whose lists for the national PASOs closed last night, Vilches declared: “In this national and provincial scenario, with all the proposals raising a right-wing discourse and measures to see who ranks higher slavishly to the dictates of the International Monetary Fund and the repression that they will use when the popular majorities rise up as in Jujuy to reject the adjustment, it is a pride to be part of the left. For this reason, in these provincial elections, where they also fought over who made the campaign more reactionary, it is very easy to decide the vote of those of us who were always on the same side. Jujuy shows the way and what the leftist benches that fight together with the working class and the poor are for.”

Liliana Olivero voted around 11 in the morning at the San Ramón Nonato school.


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