With the presence of the national deputy for the City of Buenos Aires, Myriam Bregman, and the Buenos Aires legislator Alejandrina Barry, both from the PTS in the Left Unity Front, various interventions were made by the compañeros and compañeras present. In addition, five commissions proposed and previously voted on by the attendees were debated: environment, teacher precariousness, Comprehensive Sexual Education, Literacy and Secondary Level. They counted the wide participation of teachers, students and families who shared different proposals, which were voted as resolutions of the meeting. Teachers, families and students from school districts No. 21, 5, 20, 2, 6, 11, 7, 1, from Escuelas Normales Superiores No. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 11, from popular high schools such as the bachi “Osvaldo Bayer”, from the UBA, from Barrio 31, among others.

Federico Puy, a teacher at Escuela Normal Superior No. 5 in Barracas and press secretary for the Ademys teacher union, presented the opening report calling for joint militancy among teachers, students and, especially, working families in the educational community.

Then, Myriam Bregman intervened calling to build a militant campaign against the resignation of the lesser evil of the Frente de Todos, the labor reforms of Together for Change and making a special call to organize against the attack on education through the voucher system that she proposes Milei’s right winger.

Diego, a Subway worker and member of the Bordó group, also took the floor, who explained the ongoing conflict, thanked the solidarity of the comrades present and called for a joint photo to be taken with the poster published by the Ademys union in support of the fight they are carrying on.

At the end of the meeting, the resolutions that reflected the previous debate in commissions were read and participation in the PTS electoral conference to be held next Friday and Saturday through the election of delegates by teams, group meetings and special invitations was approved. of delegates and independent delegates.

Resolutions of the commissions:


  • Make network plaques, videos and photo campaigns, with the main points to be widely disseminated in schools as part of the program for education.
  • Contextualize education: poverty rates, lack of access to basic services such as food, health, housing.
  • Strengthen the literacy teams and the creation of positions for the work of pedagogical pairs in all classrooms. No teacher or professional who works in schools has to work precariously, but with full rights and as part of the staff of each school.
  • Creation of schools and survey of the districts with the highest enrollment. It would avoid work with more than 30 students per grade – which obstructs the possibility of deploying focused work – and the historical problem of the lack of vacancies at all levels. Vacancies for all.
  • The reduction of the working day, without affecting the salary, the creation of new positions, the right to training during working hours. The working conditions of teachers today imply an enormous overload. The vast majority hold between two and three positions, deepened by the ongoing economic crisis, which means a huge impact on physical and psychological health. Not only “time and money are not enough” but it is an enormous limit for the deployment of all possible creativity and initiative for the development of diverse pedagogical and didactic strategies. It is necessary to revalue the teaching work in the symbolic and economic aspect (hand in hand with budget and salary) 4 hours in front of the course and 2 to plan.
  • Strengthening of the School Guidance and Socio-Educational Assistance (EOE/ASE) Teams and the School Guidance Departments at the Secondary level (DOE) based on the creation of positions that reinforce and increase the professionals that make up these interdisciplinary teams. Thus, each school should have a cabinet with psychologists, educational psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, nutritionists, etc., who work jointly with all the programs that currently exist and with the health services. of neighborhoods and hospitals.
  • For a real literacy: centered on the person and the design of proposals thought for each unx.
  • Increase in the educational budget for all levels, Enough of the IMF, Silver for education and health!
  • Free and in-service teacher training for the real inclusion of all students accompanied by real resources.
  • Support for the bill of the Left Front on the EOE. Proposal to participate in the open meeting in the Legislature to discuss and debate the updating points of the 2022 project. Launch of the project by pedagogical pairs in all grades to improve educational quality and generate new jobs.


  • Unite the fight for the subway with the fight for comprehensive environmental education: support the fight for the subway through photos in schools and posters against Ademys asbestos. Organize talks in schools (week of the environment) about asbestos. Join the observatory of the environmental group “Red Alert”.
  • Propose to the FIT benches to give a new impetus to the campaign for the Riachuelo, studies on trees (public space in CABA) and recovery of the Río de la Plata coast.
  • Propose that the environmental education law is actually implemented.
  • Promote a national environmental meeting like Madygraf.
  • Think talks in tertiary about the campaign against asbestos in the subway.
  • Invite to be part of the electoral battle with the PTS in the FITU against all the extractivist coalitions (FdT, JxC) and Milei’s denialism, in perspective of fighting the PASO.

    Comprehensive Sexual Education

  • Against the adjustment of the governments and the IMF. Cutting in ESI is cutting in education and health. Priorities need to be reversed.
  • Reduction of the Working Hours to 6 hours, 5 days, charging the same as the family basket, in the perspective of dividing working hours between employed and unemployed.
  • In the face of the mental health crisis, I support Alejandrina Barry’s EOE Promotion Project: Urgent hiring of professionals (psychologists, guarantee therapeutic companions, psychiatrists, health personnel) so that there is a cabinet for the School Guidance Team in each school.
  • Separation of the Church from the State.
  • Effective application of ESI with in-service training on addressing situations of CSA (Child Sexual Abuse). Effective application of protocols and advice for families together with teachers.
  • Promote ESI workshops in schools and teachers.
  • Study plans with a gender perspective in all teacher training institutes.
  • Collaborate in the electoral campaign of the FIT Unit, with a special focus on education and gender. I support the candidacies of Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño to head the FIT-U lists.

    Medium Level – Secondary students

  • Adhere to the campaign of the PTS Unity Left Front.
  • We need to politicize student unions. Let’s launch a campaign for democratic, combative and independent student centers that generate spaces for debate and politicization.
  • That the middle school teachers help us meet left-wing kids to build No Pasarán as a combative group.
  • Support the School Guidance Teams project.
  • Organize stenciling, murals and candidate talks in schools.
  • Participate in the Electoral Conference of the PTS.


  • Organize network campaigns (plates, videos, etc.) for 6 hours 5 days, with a salary equal to the basic basket, 4 hours in the classroom and 2 planning. Against the precariousness that we live in, teachers, students and families that leads us to have to work double or triple shifts. Governments are responsible and unions complicit.
  • Put together a pedagogical partner bill at all levels.
  • Support for the candidacies of Myriam Bregman – Nicolás del Caño.
  • Fight for unity between employed and unemployed workers because we live precariousness in our lives, in that of the kids who are forced to work in the ACAP for free and against the adjustment of governments and the IMF.

    Join us in building these initiatives with us! Write us!

  • Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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