The National Human Rights Movement (MNDH) and the Marginalized Populations Articulation Center (CEAP) filed a complaint against the government of Spain and La Liga in a human rights body in the European country due to acts of racism committed against Vini Jr. .
The entities formalized the complaint today (22), in response to the constant episodes of racist attacks suffered by the Brazilian player. The note released by the entities states that such incidents are understood as examples of structural racism present in Spain.
Below is the full note:
“The CENTER FOR ARTICULATION OF MARGINALIZED POPULATIONS (CEAP) and the MNDH – NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS (MNDH) filed a COMPLAINT today, May 22, 2023, for the acts of racism suffered by the player Vinicius Junior, a constant target of racist attacks in games in Spain, understanding it as a practice of structural racism.
When adding a total of 9 complaints this season to the one that occurred on the 21st, Sunday, in the match between Real Madrid and Valencia, the entities understood that the situation reached a limit that affects humanity as a whole.
For the organizations, this situation implies responsibility not only for LaLiga, which organizes the Spanish championship, but also for the Spanish State in view of the obvious omission.
For the complaining entities, we are facing an institutional/structural racist orchestration, the result of omitted conduct articulated by the sports entity (LaLiga) and the Spanish State, which leads to an intolerable context of violation of human rights, which affects not only the athletes, but all mankind.
Among the rights violated, the entities mention Law 62/2003 of Spain, which in its article 28 says: 2. Any order to discriminate against people on grounds of race or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation will be consider in all cases discrimination. Harassment for reasons of racial or ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation are considered discriminatory acts in any case.
The entities also cite the European Convention on Human Rights in its article 14, which establishes the prohibition of discrimination, stating that all recognized rights and freedoms must be guaranteed without distinction of race, color or origin.
Mention is also made of article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which in similar terms establish the commitment of States to respect and guarantee the recognized rights without any discrimination based on race, color and national origin.
The complaint was presented to the PEOPLE’S DEFENSOR body, which, among other functions, receives complaints from “foreigners, regardless of their documental situation in Spain or their age, can go to the Defensor del Pueblo if they consider that a Spanish administration has violated the their rights” (www. defenderdelpueblo.es)
The entities require the initiation of an administrative process to investigate and hold accountable the acts of racism and xenophobia suffered by Vinicius Junior.
CEAP was founded 30 years ago, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1989. CEAP acts in the defense and promotion of human rights, with education projects, continuing education and insertion in the labor market, as well as overcoming racism and intolerance religious.
The MNDH (National Human Rights Movement) is a network of 300 human rights organizations in Brazil, which has been operating for 43 years in various areas in the defense of democracy and fundamental rights, and today is part of the National Human Rights Council of Brazil .”
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/entidades-de-defesa-dos-direitos-humanos-denunciam-racismo-contra-vini-jr-a-justica-espanhola/