With an unmistakable flavor and very easy to make, this coconut milk cake is...
Shall we prepare a Simple Chocolate Icing for your cake? Check out the quick and...
Looking like a Sunday lunch, this recipe for Tuscan sausage in sauce is very...
Easy and quick, this banana jam has been delicious and won over anyone!
Shall we make donuts? The famous sweet donuts that American policemen in movies are always...
Are we going to make Fried Fish like the ones on the beach kiosks? Check...
Making Nhá Benta, the famous chocolate-covered marshmallow candy, is easier than it looks!
Make a delicious Tapioca Couscous to eat at any time of your day!
Make a delicious creamed spinach with this simple and easy recipe!
Shall we make a perfect cabbage cigar for your lunch and dinner? Check out the...
The Hungarian Slices are those very tasty bakery donuts to eat for an afternoon...
Make a Perfect Pineapple Mousse for your dessert, and it’s quick and easy!
Make a Strawberry Pave with White Chocolate that is perfect to serve to your...
Make a very tasty Cookie de Nata (Condensed Milk Sequilho) to eat for breakfast...
Make homemade bread without kneading that is easy and simple to make! Check out the...
Make a perfect international shrimp to serve to your guests and surprise them! It looks...
Do you want to make a delicious fried polenta, just like the ones in...
Don’t be in doubt between which dessert to make! Try this delicious, practical and easy...
Simple and crunchy, these baked manioc flour cookies are a delicious option to eat...
Make this super creamy avocado dessert and see there’s nothing left!
Whether to eat it with bread or enhance some dessert, this 100% natural, zero-sugar...
Make an Eggplant Stuffed with Ground Meat which is a very complete dish for...
Dessert that brings together practicality and a lot of flavor, this blender brigadeiro is...
Beautiful to look at and with an irresistible flavor, this mixed cornmeal cake is...
Easy to make and impossible to not want to eat, this tapioca pudding looks...
Learn how to make a delicious low carb tuna flour free pie!
Learn how to make a delicious strawberry sauce for ice cream and many other...
Learn how to make a soft, delicious and easy-to-make Pullman cake at home!
Don’t be in doubt about which dessert to make in the hot season with...
With super tasty dough and mouth-watering filling, this creamy ricotta pie has been irresistible!
Are we going to make fitness pasta with zucchini and carrots? Check out the recipe...
If you haven’t tried this oat cake with banana and coconut, you don’t know...
Delicious snack option to eat in the morning or afternoon, this fluffy 5-cup cake...
Traditionally sold at street fairs and squares, the crunchy coconut is a sweet that...
This delicious frozen coconut dessert has an unmistakable flavor and can be made in...
With 3 ingredients and very simple preparation, this condensed milk tart recipe is irresistible!
Learn how to make Rice Flour in a very simple and easy way.
Separate the ingredients for this homemade sand cake recipe and prepare this deliciousness with...
Ensure a refreshing and delicious drink by preparing this creamy acerola juice!
With this practical and tasty Strawberry Ninho Milk pudding, you have no excuse not...
Delicious and practical, this pasta salad refreshes hot days with a lot of flavor!
It’s impossible to follow the step-by-step of this cheap, easy and amazing baked snack...
Learn how to make the real creamy coconut cake for a versatile and tasty...
There are days when they ask for a practical and tasty snack for breakfast...
Flavor, practicality and elegance are the DNA of this cold coffee platter!
Make this delicious cod salad for your new year and surprise your family!