The president of the United States, Joe Biden, will try to convince President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) to give support to Ukraine, which has been at war with Russia since February 2022. This assessment is made by one of the main American Brazilianists, James Green .
“I am sure that Biden will try to convince Lula to join the international effort not only to oppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but to concretely help those invaded. From public statements, it seems that Lula is more inclined to favor some form of peace negotiation between the two countries, which many observers consider a very difficult possibility because it could mean Ukraine ceding territory”, said the historian.
The petista leaves this Thursday (9) for the USA. Lula is due to meet Biden on Friday afternoon (10), at the White House. On the same day, the president will also have an agenda dedicated to the North American press and parliamentarians from the progressive field.
For foreign observers and sources within the Itamaraty, the US president will not miss the opportunity to discuss a possible coalition against Vladimir Putin.
The same subject has already been dealt with by the chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, and by the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, in different conversations with Lula.
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Source: https://www.diariodocentrodomundo.com.br/biden-tentara-convencer-lula-a-apoiar-ucrania-na-guerra-contra-a-russia-diz-brasilianista/