The president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, has confirmed that the inauguration attempt of Alberto Núñez Feijóo will take place on September 26 and 27. Armengol went to the Zarzuela palace this Tuesday after the round of contacts with the king, who informed him that he was entrusting the investiture to the PP candidate despite not having guaranteed support, although he did not want to specify the date until he spoke with Feijóo himself. .

Felipe VI relies on “custom” to launch Feijóo to an investiture without a sufficient majority


“It is a decision made after agreeing it with the candidate proposed by the king last night and this morning. It is a prudential time for the candidate to carry out negotiations with the representatives of the formations, ”said the president of Congress in an appearance this Wednesday to announce the date.

The leader of the popular had expressly assured in his appearance on Tuesday in Congress that he did not want the session to be held next week because he said he needed more time to start negotiations that he said would not start until next Monday.

Those wishes of Feijóo collided with a very complex electoral calendar in the event that no one managed to form a government. If there is an electoral repetition, a scenario that cannot be ruled out in the event that Pedro Sánchez fails to finalize his negotiations with the Catalan independence movement, the holidays of the next Christmas parties are planned on the horizon.

The Constitution establishes that from the first investiture vote the Cortes are automatically dissolved if within a period of 60 days there is no president of the Government, to which 47 days would have to be added for a new electoral call. In summary, for a hypothetical electoral repetition not to coincide with Christmas, the first investiture vote would not have to take place in any case between September 7 and 21. With the date chosen by Armengol, an electoral repetition would take place on January 14.

In his appearance after visiting Felipe VI, the leader of the PP assured that his intention is to start contacts with the groups from Monday, since the term for them to be constituted ends on Friday. An argument that clashes with the fact that Feijóo has already reached agreements with UPN, CC and Vox before this formality was fulfilled.


How to stop the lies

The 23J campaign has made clear the tremendous importance of the free press, which depends on its readers and owes nothing to anyone else. The vast majority of the big media are owned by banks, funds and large communication groups. The vast majority of them have whitewashed the ultras and are under the control of the agenda set by the right.

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