Alberto Fernández participated on Monday in the opening of the 2023 school year in Chaco, one of the twelve provinces that started the year with a strike called by teachers due to low wages. There the president referred to the closed national teachers’ parity between the Ctera, UDA, CEA, Sadop and AMET unions, and the Government, which until July proposes an increase in quotas of 33.5%.
Imagine for a minute that Alberto Fernández knows how much a teacher charges… https://t.co/Fb4TiG52nB
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) February 27, 2023
In this context, he stated “when we came to the government, the teachers’ concern was to see how they could improve a salary that had fallen to the bottom of the well. Today I am happy to hear that their concern is that they do not have to pay profits, because their salaries have grown in such a way that they are beginning to be affected by the income tax”. The act was headed by the president together with the governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich and the Minister of Education, Jaime Perczyk.
However, the reality is different. With the increases arranged in March, the minimum wage would rise to 130,000 pesos, an amount below the poverty line that stands at 163,000 pesos. Even so, Fernández affirmed that “15 days before classes begin” they took “the problem of their salary out of our teachers.”
Alberto’s “self-constructed” reality contrasts with the reality of teachers, mostly women, who have to work up to 3 positions to make ends meet. In addition to addressing multiple social problems in a country with 60% of poor children and adolescents. pic.twitter.com/WgUtfMz9Ed
— Nicolas del Caño (@NicolasdelCano) February 27, 2023
The president’s statements are made within the framework of the teacher strike that affects 12 provinces of the country, both governed by the Frente de Todos and Juntos por el Cambio, in the midst of the Government’s policy of imposing a 60% parity ceiling. for the whole year (an unbelievable number given that only in January inflation was 6%) with semi-annual negotiations. The strike claims are against the adjustment in education involving teacher salaries, working conditions and infrastructure.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com