Magazine Forbes, whose motto is “Nothing personal, just business,” has a short biography of Diana Mondino. “Director of Institutional Relations and professor of Finance in the Master’s in Business Administration and Master’s in Finance at the CEMA University. She has experience in economic and management issues. In the private sector, she is the director of Loma Negra, Banco Roela and SiroOnLine. She has been a director of Pampa Energía and Banco Supervielle, companies listed on the NYSE.” She also adds: “Until 2005 she was Director of the Latin America region for Standard & Poor’s, based in New York, with responsibility for regional activities.” And she highlights her academic degrees.

A woman from the most rancid of finances, with a professional career in the private sphere as a director of large companies and banks. She was driven to enter politics at the age of 64, by her son, Francisco Penkas, until now an unknown young man from Cordoba who ran as owner of Milei’s party in her province.

The financier lady debuted with a photo together with the presidential candidate Javier Milei in front of the Foreign Ministry, because from her probable seat of national deputy for the City of Buenos Aires, she intends to deal with “the reinsertion of Argentina in the world.” For which, she clarified that she bathes and speaks English.

In order to be in tune with her political boss, the candidate has already made her first anti-worker statements, in case her resume left room for any doubt about the interests she defends from the business caste and that she will continue to defend from her parliamentary seat.

“The economy must be made more flexible. Nobody hires because there may be a labor trial or because it is very expensive.” But he prefers to say that what is needed is “labor modernization”, since the words flexibilization and adjustment consider that they have become “something bad”. If you are a worker or a worker, insert here the meme of the little monkey that looks sideways.

The idea of ​​blowing up the Central Bank that Milei propagandizes does not seem so crazy to him. And about Aerolíneas Argentinas, she said that if it is not efficient, “it can be closed, give away to the employees, try to privatize it.” He was criticized by all the most relevant figures of the traditional political parties, except for Patricia Bullrich, whom he defined as “a fighter”, although it is more probable that he would recognize her for her statements that “whoever wants to go armed, whoever walk armed” than because of his youthful past as a militant of armed organizations, whose companions were victims of State terrorism.

As a woman who has broken all the glass ceilings she wanted without suffering a scratch, Mondino proudly declared that Milei copied her idea to close the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.

But we don’t want to be one-sided. the magazine itself Forbes points to the social side of the lady of finance, who would also have a heart. Mondino is a member of the Board of Directors of the Banco de Alimentos Foundation. It is a foundation that aims to combat food poverty, through the charity of companies in the sector and private contributions, while at the same time reducing food waste.

An exercise in business charity that has already been questioned for a long time by experts in nutrition, care for the environment and social policies. A different perspective to the assistance of “leftovers” that shows that if the route of the money with which the products distributed by the Food Bank are purchased is followed, its main beneficiary is discovered: the large companies of the agri-food industry themselves. Nothing else could be expected from a novice political candidate, with a long history of serving the business caste of large exploiters.


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