day 1 without cell phone

“This morning I went shopping with my mother. After eating I was on the couch playing with my sister and then we met my best friend for a walk. And then I put on my skates. Now I’m watching a movie: ‘The idea of ​​having you.’ I’ve done different things. After eating I usually watch TikTok but since I didn’t have my phone, I played massages with my sister. I don’t notice anything different in my mood. And, yes, I missed it. except when I was going to meet my friend. I used my mother’s phone so that she could call her. Together, with my friend, we have not used her cell phone.

Gibet, putting on his skates on his first day without a cell phone.

Gibet, putting on his skates on his first day without a cell phone.

And his mother says…

“I have seen her very relaxed. Adapted and relaxed. And happy because she has done what she wants. I suppose that the fact that it is seven days makes it possible for her to overcome the challenge. Gibet has adaptability. A couple of her friends ask me me to communicate with her. And, no, she hasn’t looked at TikTok or Instagram.”

day 2 without mobile

“This morning I woke up, I was playing with some stones from my house, we have a vase of stones. I started making figures. I watched TV for a while, we went to my grandparents’ house to eat. Then I stayed with my friends, walking, without them using the phone much. I just came back. I missed the phone in the morning when I was bored. I would watch TikTok, I would talk to my friends on WhatsApp. In the afternoon, with them, we talked about it. subject, they have laughed: “Ha, ha, what a loser,” they have told me. Do I feel a little lost at times, because I wouldn’t like it very much. But yes, I do see the point in the challenge. My mood is calmer at times. By the way, I have no idea where the cell phone is.”

Fighting boredom with the stones in the vase.

Fighting boredom with stones in the vase.

And his mother says…

“This afternoon we talked about the subject because there has been a moment of tremor regarding public exposure. I said to her: ‘What concept do you have of yourself and how much do you care what others think of you? Now what feeling do you have? about that? If most people appreciate you, nothing will change.’ I see her fine. This morning she was distracted with some stones she used when she was little, doing color grading. In the afternoon, she would normally contact her cell phone every five minutes for any nonsense. Maybe she misses that. But knowing that the challenge is short, I see her putting it into perspective. The cell phone is still hidden. for school assignments and listening to Spotify.

day 3 without cell phone

“This morning there was nothing new because normally I don’t use my cell phone, I don’t have time. At school neither: I don’t carry it. And in the afternoon, which is when I do use it, I haven’t missed it because I had work and homework. And I train. I have been entertained. I am more focused. And when it comes to working, since I have no distractions, everything is easier for me. Yes, at times, when I have nothing to do, I get bored. “.

And his mother says…

“The litmus test was the weekend: there is more desire for digital leisure. During the week, with the routine, there is less time to connect. And for her it is easier. It is true that when she finishes dinner she has that half an hour to connecting with friends, she will surely miss it. I see her as calm and more relaxed. She is not aware of any mobile phone vibrations.

day 4 without cell phone

“I’m reading ‘A Kiss in Paris’, a love book. I’m not a big reader, but when I like one I finish it quickly. With my cell phone I would have read less. Today I ate at school and, in the afternoon , my sister and her friends have come. I have been doing homework and then I have gone straight to English. I haven’t missed the phone much in the afternoon, a little, because I wanted to talk to my friends. because I use it to listen to music: reggaeton and a little bit of everything.”

Gibet, with ‘A kiss in Paris’.

Gibet, with ‘A kiss in Paris’.

And his mother says…

“Last night we had a moment of family tension between the two of us and I didn’t know if it was because she didn’t have her mobile. But today we spoke and she told me that it had nothing to do with it. She’s much calmer, more so than I could imagine. Routines do their job. Yes, conversations with friends on WhatsApp were every five minutes. They’re in a moment of raging hormones, especially when there’s a boy they like. If something like that happened to her, and she didn’t have her mobile, she would be more nervous. The mobile is her way of relating. That’s how it is.”

day 5 without cell phone

“Today I finished school early. It was an intensive day. I ate at home and after a nap I went to rhythmic gymnastics. Everything was going well at school, doing dunks and other things. They gave us the grades. They went well I only have to recover one: Catalán. Álex has told me a little about the challenge. I thought he would handle it worse, but he resists well. Yes, at some point I would use the cell phone, but not much, because I am quite busy. “I wouldn’t ask any of my friends to leave me theirs, even if they take it out. In the afternoon I would have looked at it on the bus ride to training. For those five minutes, I would have looked at the landscape for a while.”

And his mother says…

“Today I did the trick of telling him: ‘What do you think if we extend the challenge? He made me look like: ‘Yes, man!'” ha, ha, ha. But the truth is that I think that when she has the phone in her hands she has no control, she is delighted. This passive distraction makes her feel comfortable. At the same time, she has the ability to adapt and there is no dependence. That’s why she’s not suffering this week.”

day 6 without cell phone

“Today at the ‘insti’ there was a themed space and I had to do sports. I ate at home and in the afternoon I sunbathed with music. Afterwards, English and dinner at home. I don’t find much difference from being on my cell phone. I thought I would miss it a lot more. But no, it’s not so bad being without it. The WhatsApp thing during the week doesn’t affect me as much because I have busy afternoons and I don’t hang out with friends much. It’s more difficult, but my mother manages it and I can meet up with my friends. I’m happy to be doing the challenge. But when my colleagues ask me why I’m without a cell phone, they answer: “Well, shit, it’s hard to be there for a week.” without him”.

His mother says…

“We are getting used to being without a cell phone. I see Gibet calm and well. There are routines in the afternoon, and at school I already prohibited her from carrying it. I make her see that she appreciates not having this annex attached to her ass. I think she is It was a good experience. Her little sister, while having dinner, told her that she was very happy about Gibet without a cell phone, because Gibet looked at her, in silence, and her sister told her: ‘Now you look at me. wow, when we talk. And you listen to me.’ They hugged each other. Now I’m a little sad to leave the challenge.”

day 7 without cell phone

“When I gave up my cell phone I thought I would miss it more, but the challenge has passed quickly. I have been calmer, I have watched TV, I have read and I have done things that I normally don’t do and I found them fun. It has been an experience “I think now I will go back to doing what I always do, but I will try to find moments to disconnect from my phone.”

And his mother says…

“It has been a very positive experience, we thought it would generate some concern, but Gibet has adapted quickly: perhaps the challenge was short and she mentally knew it. She has been very well at home, very communicative and calm. It is not the first time that They are without a cell phone for days. In addition, the weather is good because there is a desire to go out, to be with friends: it is no longer necessary to have a cell phone as long as you can enjoy the moment. This challenge leads me to think that there is a dependency, many people. uses the cell phone abusively. Without devices in between, there is a different humanity.”


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