President Javier Miley looking to present your project Bases Law II in the National Congress, between April 3 and 4. In this new version of the failed Omnibus Law, a labor reform would be included.

The Government would seek to deal with it in the same three commissions that were formed the first time, a fact that had already provoked criticism from different sectors, due to the great breadth of issues that made up the project. They raised a dubious agendawhere they project it would be debated and voted on April 17 in the Chamber of Deputies, and then (if approved), it would finish being discussed in the Chamber of Senators during the following month, to be enacted on the dates of May 25. An overly optimistic planfor a project that already failed miserably in the month of February.

This time, under the advice of International Monetary Fundthe Government seeks to negotiate the project, not only with the political parties PRO and the dialogue sectors of the UCR and the tucuman peronism (which they already accompanied in February), but especially with the provincial governors, with whom they maintained a bid for shared resources. This is what the May Pact. Union leaders of the General Confederation of Labor, such as Andres Rodriguez (UPCN) and Rodolfo Daer (Health), have already asked to be part of this negotiation behind the people’s backs, to negotiate labor rights.

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, has been having a series of meetings with governors of all political stripes, in a tension crossed by the elimination of the National Teacher Incentive Fund (Fonid) and the sending of money to subsidize public transportation, among other resources. It remains to be seen what the Government has to offer the governors in exchange for the votes of their legislators. Everyone is involved in these meetings: radicals, PROs, Peronists and even Kirchnerists like Axel Kicillof. For now, in all the provinces, the leaders have been applying cuts and adjustments.

Mobilization in the streets is needed to confront this second onslaught of the Omnibus Law, and impose on the union centers a new national strike and its continuity in a unified plan of struggle.

What does the draft say?

The draft of the Bases Law II includes in its first article, the delegation of powers to the Executive Branch, during a period of one year.

This way, Javier Miley seeks to concentrate on his person powers to manipulate national public organizations at will. Either to eliminate them or ignore them by transferring them to provinces. The only ones excepted from its “total dissolution” are the universities, CONICET and INTA, which have already been hit by layoffs and severe budget adjustments. This would imply thousands of new layoffs in the public sectoreven for those workers who are permanent employees, who will have only one year of guarantee before being completely dismissed.

At the same time, the bill seeks to advance the privatization of state companiesas Argentinian airlines, National BankArgentine Radio and Television, ISAthe Post Office, the railways, Road Corridors, Argentine Nuclear Power, among others.

And it demands powers so that the president can “modify, transform, unify, dissolve, liquidate or cancel the public trust funds“, which are destined to the provinces. As well as, have the management of public works.

On the other hand, through this law, Javier Milei requests powers to cancel the right of workers to sue for informality conditions (total or partial) in the event that employers decide to register them. This articulated, opens the doors to labor reformso longed for by the country’s major employers.

This new version of the Omnibus Law seeks once again to deepen the extractivist looting model (mining, gas, oil), in favor of multinational companies, which is already generating serious environmental consequences, which even affect drinking water for dozens of towns and cities.

These are just some of the points that have circulated so far, along with some references to tax reform. If the project is presented next week, the Government will finish uncovering its entire plan.

Round II

So that this new law suffers the same failed fate as the first, we need to deploy the strength of the workers againof the neighborhood assembliesof the women and diversities that took over the streets on 8M and the youth who organized the molinetazos.

half a million people They were in the streets last March 24th and in the Plaza de Mayo the demand for paro general. To frustrate any negotiation behind the backs of the people, between the national government and the provincial governors, and any agreement of the union leaders behind the backs of the workers, we need to build the strength from below to impose it on the centrals.

To go all out and take down the whole chainsaw plan, We need to get the general strike and a plan of struggle that unifies the millions who are being attacked from the CGT and the CTA. by the policies of this Government, which seeks to be the messiah of large companies and the FMI.


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