President Lula and the Prime Minister of India, Nerendra Modi. Photo: Richard Stuckert

In the midst of the G7 summit meetings, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) had a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of India, Nerendra Modi, last Saturday (20). The leaders that make up the BRICS bloc (together with Russia, China and South Africa) discussed cooperation between the two countries in areas such as defense and agriculture, in addition to discussing ways out of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Lula commented that he created relations with the Asian country during his first term in government, and that he will work to bring Brazil and India back together. “In my first mandates, we established a strategic partnership with India, which together with the prime minister we will work to resume”, said the president.

On social networks, in Portuguese, Modi said that the conversations with the Brazilian president were productive. “India and Brazil will continue to work together to deepen trade ties”, and added that the sides will work on “cooperation in sectors such as agriculture, defense and more”.

Lula endorsed the speech by sharing the Indian Prime Minister’s publication on Twitter. “I hope we can resume deepening the relationship with that great country that is India. We have immense potential for joint work and trade between Brazil and India,” he wrote.

Regarding the war in Eastern Europe, the two leaders stressed that they only want to get involved in the conflicts for a definitive resolution. “We are on the side of peace”, declared the Brazilian. While Nerendra Modi stated that both India and Brazil are “neutral countries”, and very interested in maintaining peace in the world.


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