Andrea D’Atri, pre-candidate for legislator of the City of Buenos Aires for the list of the Left Front that, at the national level, is headed by Myriam Bregman this Saturday, July 29, said in the CrónicaTV studio: “This week, we were shocked with the news of femicide of Nancy López Gotta. He had made four complaints of violence against her ex-partner, who had a perimeter restriction since May.

Let’s remember that Nancy went to the Ituzaingó shopping center, where she worked, and there her ex-partner murdered her. “It was the fourth femicide in 96 hours”. And he continued: “So far in July, 11 femicides have been recorded. Last year, there were 332 femicides that left 249 children and adolescents orphaned, that is, approximately one woman killed per day or every 30 hours. We have to consider that they are also victims of gender violence, those boys, those girls who are orphaned by this violence.”

“Violence against women is structural in the societies in which we live. It cannot be eradicated with a stroke of the pen, with a decree or a law, nor by increasing the penalties against the violent, because it is something much deeper and only with a transformation equally profound, we can aspire to live a life free of violence,” said the pre-candidate for legislator.

And I add: “But most femicides could be avoided. Because before the femicide, there were other forms of violence. There were signs, alarms, that the State refused to take into account and when it intervened, it was already too late.“.

“Every time the media report a new femicide, journalists discover that the police station did not want to take the complaints from the woman, that they sent her home to ‘fix her problems with her husband.’ Or that justice issued a perimeter , but there was no one in charge of controlling that it was complied with, that they gave the victim a panic button, but they sent it home, when it was too late”, for example. It also happens that, “the woman could not separated because she had no job, no home of her own, and she never received the Accompany Plan for Victims of Violence from the Ministry of Women, or she received it, but it was not even enough for her minimum subsistence, since it is barely 88 thousand pesos for six months. Or that there are not enough places in the few shelters that exist in the country, even because there are provinces where there are none,” Andrea said.

“For this reason, in the women’s movement we say that When a man commits a femicide, the State is also responsible“, he pointed out, emphasizing the latter. Because with infrastructure, with a budget for victim care programs and many measures that could be taken immediately, gender-based violence will not be eradicated, but it could prevent that violence from escalating and ending with woman’s life,” he explained.

And he ended his column by saying: “When a woman is murdered, there is nothing else to do, but, in addition, other victims remain alive, they are her sons, her daughters, their mothers, their sisters. It is a truly tragic problem that leaves countless victims who continue to demand justice. We do not want to continue demanding justice over a pile of corpses. That’s why we keep claiming Not one less, because alive we love each other”.


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