Vox places an ultra-Catholic and anti-abortion deputy as president of the Corts Valencianes. The provincial president of the party in Castellón and number two of this circumscription to the Congress of Deputies, Llanos Massó, will be the representative of the second Valencian institution by virtue of the government pact with the PP of Carlos Mazón, according to sources from the negotiation.

The response of a Valencian councilor to the photos of penises that Vox has taken to the Corts: “Diversity is the daughter of God”


The autonomous Parliament celebrates its constitutive session this Monday, which is attended by the president of the party, Santiago Abascal. Massó will have the 40 votes of the PP, in addition to its 13 deputies, to preside over the autonomous Chamber.

Massó is a regional deputy and deputy spokesperson for the parliamentary group since 2019. Married and mother of two children, Massó has a degree in hearing aids from the University of Alicante and also in Religious Sciences from the Institute of Religious Sciences of the diocese of Castellón. Before joining Vox in 2015, when she became provincial president, she was part of an anti-abortion section of the ultra-Catholic platform Hazte Oír, known for organizing controversial homophobic campaigns to reject regional LGTBI laws.

As a parliamentarian, she has served as a member of different commissions: Education and Culture, Economy, Budgets and Finance and Regulation. Her interventions have focused on denouncing multilingualism decrees and “indoctrination” in the classroom, with issues such as drawings of penises in books available in school libraries or books on diversity that appear in complementary activities. Massó was involved in a dispute in the party after which the Benicarló coordinator resigned, accusing the far-right formation of a “sectarian, pyramidal, authoritarian, dictatorial and lack of humanity” provincial institution.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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