After being defeated by Marine Le Pen’s far-right party in the European Parliament elections, the French president dissolved the French lower house and called for early elections. What is the real alternative to this debacle of the Macron government’s policies?

Faced with this political crisis that could end with a far-right prime minister, thanks to the government’s policies and this desperate maneuver by Macron, the reformist left and parties that have already applied neoliberal policies, such as the Socialist Party, cannot be a true alternative to Le Pen’s extreme right. A worker and revolutionary candidacy from Révolution Permanente (which is also a member of the International Network of newspapers La Izquierda Diario) calls to organize and fight to defend the rights of the working class, women, families and young migrants, against the militarism of the colonialist State French.

What is happening in France? In this video we tell you about it in less than 3 minutes.

International / France / Emmanuel Macron / Marine Le Pen / Mexico Edition / Révolution Permanente / Uruguay Edition / Anasse Kazib


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