While the media continues to spread the scandalous increase that the senators of all blocks and the main officials of La Libertad Avanza guaranteed themselves in their diets, The PTS deputies in the Frente de Izquierda Unidad, Nicolás del Caño, Myriam Bregman, Christian Castillo and Alejandro Vilca, earn like any worker and the rest they contribute to the different struggles and social causes.
In recent weeks, and in abrupt contrast with that caste that lives like businessmen – in a parasitic way -, the deputies of the left They contributed more than 3 million pesos to workers who fight to defend their jobs, as is the case of United by culture, Incaa, Página 12, Télam, Ate – Trabajo Mar del Plata or the workers of the outsourced GPS/Aerolíneas Argentinas in the fight against layoffs, to mention only the latest contributions. They also contributed to the development of activities that promoted the Open Chair on Native Peoples of Trelew, wine workers and relatives of victims of femicide.
Contributing to workers’ struggles and popular demands is a practice that the deputies of the PTS/FITU have maintained since their entry into the National Congress and is replicated in all councils and legislatures where the organization has representation, such as in the Province and City of Buenos Aires, the Buenos Aires suburbs, Córdoba, Neuquén, Jujuy, Mendoza.
“Those who increase the allowances are the same ones who vote to adjust retirees and workers who earn pittance; the same ones that adjust those who have the least to continue paying a fraudulent debt to the IMF; the same ones who seek to preserve the privileges of a political caste that is dedicated to managing the interests of the big capitalists. It is outrageous and shows the abyss that exists between this privileged caste and the working-class and popular majorities,” says Del Caño.
The PTS/Left Front deputy is also the author of the bill that proposes the Equalization of allowances and salaries of legislators and political officials with the teacher salaryalready presented five consecutive times in the Lower House, without any management – neither that of the current ruling party, nor that of Macri, nor that of Unión por la Patria – agreeing to bring it to the debate in the chamber.
Among other issues, the initiative presented for the first time in 2014 proposes equalizing the total amount of allowances and/or salaries received by national legislators and political officials with the salary of a teacher, a nurse or an average worker.
The proposal It is inspired by the example set by the Parisian workers in 1871, after setting up the so-called Paris Commune, the first workers’ government in history. There all officials earned like any worker and all positions were revocable by the people. “That is our paradigm and the reason why all the deputies, legislators and councilors of the PTS in the Left Front receive a salary like a teacher, living and suffering with the popular majorities from price increases, high rates, etc., contributing the rest of the diets to various struggles and popular causes,” said the FITU representative on the occasion of the presentation of the project.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com