Unidas Podemos raises the pressure against the PSOE on the reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ law and announces that it will vote against if it does not reach an agreement with the Ministry of Equality beforehand. Although the confederal group had dropped on several occasions that if the Socialists continued unilaterally with the modification of the text they would have to remove it with the support of the PP and Vox, until now they had not announced whether they would reject the text or abstain. The parliamentary spokesman, Pablo Echenique, has advanced this Friday that they will vote ‘no’ to the text next week in plenary if it remains as it is now and there is no prior agreement within the Government.

Irene Montero, willing to reform the law of ‘only yes is yes’ but without touching consent


“The proposed law returns to the Penal Code of La Manada and hopefully we will not reach that unedifying spectacle. We are working so that this does not happen but we are not going to vote with the PP to return to the Penal Code of La Manada. If that moment arrives, we will try by all means that it does not arrive, we will vote against it ”, Echenique said in statements to the media this morning in Congress. If this scenario is confirmed and there is no agreement with Equality, the PSOE would have to bring out the reform of the law with the votes of the right, which has already advanced that it is inclined to support it, as well as with the PNV. Until now, both ERC and EH Bildu and other partners such as Compromís have called for a reform that has the consent of the ministry headed by Irene Montero.

The Organic Law for the Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom, better known as the “only yes is yes” law due to its birth in the heat of the La Manada ruling, was definitively approved in Congress this summer, precisely with the rejection of the right which is now open to supporting its reform and with a large majority of 205 votes in favour.

Echenique recalled that from Equality they have transferred a series of proposals to their coalition partner over the last two weeks and have demanded that they return to the negotiating table from which they got up when they presented unilaterally a few weeks ago, while they still They were negotiating with United We Can, a bill to reform the star rule of the Ministry of Montero. The reform proposed by the PSOE returns, according to Equality, to the Penal Code prior to the law that differentiated two types of crime (abuse and aggression) depending on whether there was violence or not. “If the time comes to vote for a return to the Penal Code of La Manada, we will vote against it,” Echenique insisted.

The parliamentary spokesman, just as he has moved the entire space for weeks, assures that they are working so that this scenario does not arrive, so that the reform does not reach the plenary session of next week in Congress without the agreement of both parts of the Government . “We want there to be an agreement and that is what we are working on. The proposed law returns to the Penal Code of La Manada and hopefully we will not reach that unedifying spectacle. We are working so that this does not happen but we are not going to vote with the PP to return to the Penal Code of La Manada ”, he has repeated this Friday several times.

Although in the statements they have not specifically clarified whether they will vote ‘no’ to the first process that the reform will face in plenary next week, sources from the parliamentary group specify that United We Can reject taking the law into consideration. That debate will take place next Tuesday in the plenary session of Congress and a vote will also be taken that same day, on the eve of Women’s Day. Taking it into consideration is the first step for a rule to continue its processing in the Lower House and begin the process of amendments.

Pedro Sánchez plays down the importance of the decision

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, wanted to downplay the decision of United We Can. From Finland, where he has appeared together with the country’s Prime Minister, Sanna Marín, the head of the Executive has affirmed that, for the moment, what is going to be voted on is taking it into consideration and that “there is a majority feeling among the groups ” that the norm must be reformed “to technically correct a good law that is having undesired effects”. After highlighting the “feminist commitment” of the Government, he has assured that PSOE and Unidas Podemos share “many more things” than what “separates” them.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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