This Monday they remain ten courts in the entire province of Jujuand. The indigenous communities play a fundamental role in them. There are cuts in Tilcara, Abra Pampa, La Quiaca, Iturbe, Uquía, San Roque, Coranzuli, access to Cauchari, Susques and Purmamarca.

Within this framework, throughout the weekend they discussed strengthen control measures. Thus, in Abra Pampa and La Quiaca, the cuts are total.. This modality of intensifying is the product of the lack of responses from the Government of Jujuy to the claim of the indigenous communities. This suggests that the reform of the constitution, approved without consent, and that affects rights to land and water, does not continue in force. It is also denounced fierce repression suffered by the people of Humahuaca last friday where the young man Joel Paredes lost an eye to police shooting.

Also on the morning of this Monday, a strong police operation deploys against the protesters in the town of Perico, in the area of ​​the Finca El Pongo. There, for a week the population returns to the road to claim after having suffered an eviction.


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