Saturday warning from ERC and Junts to the PSOE due to the paralysis that the pro-independence parties see in the negotiation of the investiture and in the achievement of their greatest objective, the amnesty. Both parties have urged Pedro Sánchez to advance in the talks and have warned of his rejection of possible last-minute agreements.
The misgivings of several countries distance the official status of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the EU before the key meeting on Tuesday
“Let the PSOE not think, as Rajoy did, that time will fix the problem, because they will be in for a surprise,” warned Junts spokesperson in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, during her speech at the party’s National Council.
For her part, the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, has warned Sánchez that the Republicans do not want a “last minute” negotiation with concessions that have “partisan purposes.”
The predictably failed investiture debate of the PP candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, which will be held on September 26 and 27, has given the pro-independence forces time to negotiate with the PSOE to keep Pedro Sánchez in the presidency of the Government.
The sum of the left and the nationalist and independence parties is the only one that guarantees a majority in Congress to govern, although now Sánchez, in addition to the support of PNV, Bildu and ERC like the last legislature, requires the endorsement of Junts.
The two Catalan parties have insisted this Saturday that the negotiations move forward after a week in which the former president of the Government José María Aznar and several members of the old guard of the PSOE have attacked the amnesty.
Nogueras wanted to send a message of firmness and insisted that in the face of the investiture the party does not plan to move from what Carles Puigdemont set at the beginning of September in Brussels. That is, amnesty and a rapporteur as preconditions for Sánchez’s investiture. “If the PSOE wants to negotiate with Junts, it already knows what our framework is,” he stressed.
“We will not give in even half a millimeter,” said Nogueras, who has also placed as proof of the PSOE’s will as a negotiator what happens next Tuesday with the official status of Catalan in Europe and in the vote in Congress to reform the regulations and place Castilian on an equal footing with Catalan, Basque and Galician.
Nogueras has not forgotten the usual confrontation with ERC to lead the independence camp. According to the leader of Junts in Madrid, the use of Catalan in Congress shows that the independence movement “has recovered the respect that some had contributed to it being lost” in the negotiation with the Government.
Rovira, who spoke from Geneva, has indicated that the Republicans will only allow the start of a new legislature in the State if Sánchez places the negotiation at the center of the political agenda. “We are not going well at all,” he stated about the current state of the talks.
The Republican leader has considered the amnesty law “absolutely discounted and assumed,” and has assured that “we just need to finalize it.” She has also placed social progress, the end of “repression” and setting the course for a referendum as issues to be negotiated.
“If the negotiation table must be the center of the political agenda, from Catalonia we must be able to sit on equal terms,” stated the general secretary of ERC. Based on this premise, Rovira has considered the amnesty “discounted”, since it represents, in his opinion, the tool to “end the asymmetry in the negotiation of the political conflict.”
Faced with criticism from Junts, ERC has claimed the path of negotiation, to which Republicans now celebrate that Puigdemont’s party has joined. Rovira has praised his party as the formation that generated “the conditions for the negotiation to begin,” while he has considered his strategy “absolutely valid.”
Source: www.eldiario.es