This Wednesday a press conference was held at the Cedems headquarters in San Salvador that brought together social, union, political and human rights organizations. Referents from teacher, municipal and state unions, as well as social and human rights organizations participated.
These are the organizations that have remained, together with the original communities, the target of attacks by the government of Gerardo Morales and the justice system. Since the beginning of the mobilizations for wages and against the reform, they have suffered repression, misdemeanor and criminal complaints, repressions such as those of June 17 and 20, arrests, as well as permanent harassment by the government and its security forces.
Representatives of the persecuted organizations were present at the conference. Many of them and they personally have causes. They also denounced the enormous discounts that the government applied to teachers and municipalities.
[Jujuy] A press conference was held at the Cedems to denounce the persecution by the Morales government of teachers, political and social organizations for demonstrating against the reform. pic.twitter.com/mooNBGEBMe
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) August 9, 2023
Among those present were leaders of Cedems and SEOM such as Mercedes Sosa and Sebastián López. Also the teacher and leader of the Socialist Left, Ivan Blacutt, who was arrested a few weeks ago; as well as Andrés García, member of the leadership of Cedems and referents of the PTS-FITU, who in a few days must face a misdemeanor trial for the protests. García pointed out this week that “this policy seeks to intimidate, but they will not achieve it, because in Jujuy fear has been lost. We must face this persecutory policy, with the greatest unity, with the greatest common defense, so that these violations fall, all the causes and all the prosecutions to fight.
We share the intervention of Andrés García, union pro-secretary of Cedems and a reference to the 9 de Abril teaching group. pic.twitter.com/uYYvu0ZqUL
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) August 9, 2023
The accusations not only have the clear objective of criminalizing the protest, but the State makes accusations without evidence and even charges the protesters with the crime of “sedition.”
They call for a march this afternoon at 7:00 p.m. from the Adep headquarters in San Salvador de Jujuy. And they ask for the greatest solidarity and support because this fight is a fight of all the people.
– The Daily Left (@izquierdadiario) August 9, 2023
In addition to rejecting the criminalization they have been suffering and reaffirming that they will continue with their claims, they called for a march this afternoon at 7:00 p.m. from the Adep and Cedems headquarters in San Salvador de Jujuy. They ask for the greatest solidarity and support because this fight is a fight of all the people.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com