No one was missing. Together with the UNJu educational community, students, teachers, non-teachers, and entire families were present in Plaza Belgrano and the central streets of the Capital City. Together with unions, social and political organizations.
The student movement was the main protagonist of the day that called for marching from the different UNJu headquarters against the freezing of the university budget and the defunding that the science and technology sector has been enduring in the higher echelons.

Since 2018, students have not mobilized for their educational rights. Along with the university students, there were tertiary and secondary students. About 15 thousand people. It was the largest mobilization after the torch marches against the Reform. A symptom of a student and worker movement that does not give up.
Adiunju teachers mobilized adhering to the call of the Historical Conadu and other federations that make up the Trade Union Front of National Universities.

The provincial education unions, Adep and Cedems, were on strike in support of the university demand. And they mobilized. The CGT and the two CTA also did so.
The day ended with an event where student leaders, university unions and different sectors took the floor to reject the adjustment policies. Although they did not propose a roadmap on how to continue.

It is urgent that all this force be organized. Considering that the national government and governors are rushing to approve the new Omnibus Law and a labor reform to take away workers’ rights. One of them is the right to strike in education. Just like Sadir wants his anti-worker Emergency Law to be approved.

Assemblies are needed to decide and redouble the demand from the union centers for a plan to fight against the plan of Milei and the governors. Uniting students and workers. Assemblies in all faculties and interfaculties to unite youth. Provincial Assembly to unite students, native communities and workers.
Today it was demonstrated in the province and throughout the country that there are plenty of forces from below to defeat them. This has to be the direction to follow to find a way out of the crisis by taking a set of measures in favor of the working majorities and youth.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com