The parliamentary spokesman for the PP, Miguel Tellado, has called on the Government to deploy military ships from the Navy to block the arrival of migrants to the Canary Islands. “The Government can use the Armed Forces and deploy boats to prevent the cayucos that put the lives of the people on them at risk from going out to sea and finally reaching our country,” he said this Thursday in an interview on Antena 3. Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s PP thus assumes one of the main proposals of the extreme right and which the previous leader of the party, Pablo Casado, already incorporated into his speech.

Tellado has asked that Spanish warships be deployed in the Atlantic “so that the boats do not leave” their countries of origin “and therefore ultimately reach us” in Spain. “We have to support the Canary Islands in the face of an international migration crisis and we have to ask the European Commission for help and support because we are a country that is part of the European Union and we are the southern border of Europe,” he added.

The PP is thus continuing to harden its position on a matter in which it wants to compete with Vox and other forces that put forward discourses contrary to human rights in the management of immigration policy. Yesterday, Feijóo himself demanded from the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, “European help to control immigration”.

In a brief speech in Cascais (Portugal) before representatives of the PP from other EU countries, Feijóo said he was “concerned about the increase in illegal immigrants in Spain in recent years, and especially recently.” “The Spanish Government is very late,” he lamented, accusing it of “postponing” the debate on migrant minors, which he himself has ignored.

Feijóo said that “taking measures in Spain that are different from those taken in other countries that have had successful results can and does lead to a call effect” of which he has “warned” his colleagues. The leader of the PP did not specifically mention these countries or the measures they have implemented to stop migratory flows, but then spoke of Greece and Italy, whose migration policies have been questioned by humanitarian organisations.

“The Spanish borders are European borders and therefore it is a problem that we must face together, and we must also coordinate at a European level,” he told his European colleagues. “Determining and providing a shared response to the challenges of the migration phenomenon cannot fall solely on the countries of entry such as Spain, Italy and Greece,” he added.

Feijóo, who has shown a “limited solidarity” of the communities governed by the PP with regard to the distribution of minors demanded by the Canary Islands and Ceuta, has called on Wednesday for “a shared response” from the entire EU and an “equitable distribution of responsibility”.

At the start of his speech in Cascais, Feijóo said that “the extreme left and the extreme right are two sides of the same coin” and that “there are supposedly moderate politicians who use this feedback to their advantage, thinking that it gives them a short-term advantage.”


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