The members of the Unity Left Front reject the closure of the debate imposed by the block of radical members of the party, since no type of democratic debate has been held to date, while at the same time a series of serious irregularities have been committed.

We refer to the following serious facts:

1. For 8 days the Commissions functioned without any text, for which reason it cannot be considered that there was any debate there, in a premeditated attitude of the presidency of this Convention to prevent the conventional members and society from having knowledge of the points that are intended now reform. Having 90 days to discuss with the people, they have decided to close the debate with only 6 days of “discussion” with the text in hand.

2. Dozens of “guests” to participate were censored, taking away their right to speak. The most serious event occurred in the “Declarations, Rights, Obligations and Guarantees” Commission, where part of the Human Rights organizations, victims of state terrorism, Mothers and Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared, relatives of victims of femicide, social and political organizations. This led the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, to speak out, along with other personalities and human rights organizations, since it was an unprecedented event since the end of the dictatorship: the censorship of those who suffered in their own flesh the repression during the dictatorship.

3. In the Commissions they restricted the use of the floor for the Convention members of the Left Front, going so far as to vote jointly for Radicals and Convention members of the PJ that the Convention members Gastón Remy and Natalia Morales could not speak in different sessions due to the fact that they requested make these public or denounce issues such as the looting of lithium.

4. The sessions of the Commissions were not broadcast so that the people could “know what it is about”, going to the extreme, as we said before, of sanctioning the conventional members who requested their broadcast.

5. Among the central issues that were discussed, we find at least two that were announced -one directly by Governor Morales- that were never informed to the people before this Convention met. We refer to the “proposal” to vote every four years and not every two. And because the Executive Branch will have, by winning an election, the automatic majority of the Legislature, regardless of the percentage of votes it obtains. This is a very serious fact. The people have been deliberately deceived, since none of this was said in the electoral campaign or in the long time that has elapsed since this Convention was convened, back in September 2022.

6. It was reaffirmed that the issues that are not in Article 2 of the Convocation Law cannot be dealt with in this Convention. That is to say that the problems that interest the people cannot be discussed, such as their salaries, job insecurity, the looting of natural resources, housing problems, health, among others.

Faced with the historic mobilization of Thursday the 8th where thousands and thousands of workers, youth and organizations from all over the province came together, radicalism decided to speed up the times even more. Having 90 days to deal with all the issues, he ordered the closure of all debates and will call the Drafting Commission for Monday the 13th. After that, a vote will be taken. It is a farce since the UCR has enough votes to approve it, because the PJ voted together with them in the Rules Commission that each article could be approved with a simple majority, so the ruling bloc has the own votes for approval.

Without debate, with serious censorship and deceit, the UCR is preparing to vote for an express Reform behind the back and against the people. The wording of the articles that will be taken to the campus and the vote itself will be nothing more than a farce since everything is already agreed without any debate, where the rights of the working people will be taken away and the power of the Executive will be increased, giving way to a more totalitarian.

For all this, the conventional members of the Left Front will not be part of this deception of the people by presenting minority offices or voting for articles in areas where everything has already been cooked up to harm the working people.

Peronism, for its part, stated that it will present its own minority office and will participate in the Drafting Commission, thereby endorsing the deception of the Morales Reform.

If the PJ conventionalists want to oppose, as they say, this reform, they should withdraw and not be part of this farce. For our part, we will face it by winning the streets as the people of Jujuy are already doing en masse, who reject the gag and the totalitarian regime that this government intends to impose and demand an urgent response to the demands for wages, work, health and education, against the hunger and poverty.

FIT Presentation Jujuy June 10 by The Left Daily on Scribd


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