The President of the Government Pedro Sánchez has announced this Saturday a new item of 1,300 million euros for Vocational Training as well as the digital training of young people and the expansion of bilingual education. Sánchez has informed of this new investment during his speech at a PSOE event in Pamplona, Navarra.
The deadlines and requirements to apply for scholarships from the Ministry of Education for the 2023/2024 academic year
The measure will be approved next Tuesday by the Council of Ministers and will serve to increase the number of bilingual FP places throughout the country by 45,000, as well as the opening of 824 digital training centers and more than 1,500 applied technology and entrepreneurship classrooms. As reported by Sánchez this Saturday, it is a 50 percent increase in the number of FP classrooms that already exist.
Sánchez has assured that the objective of this investment is “to further strengthen Vocational Training in our country” and has stated that he is convinced that “the future lies in education and management experience where we govern”. The president has stated that in order to reduce unemployment, especially among young people, “we must strengthen education, the university, but fundamentally Vocational Training and align it with this change in the productive model.”
The President of the Government has participated this Saturday in a pre-election act in Pamplona on the occasion of the presentation of the candidate for mayor of Pamplona, Elma Saiz, and in the presence of the general secretary of the PSN-PSOE and candidate for reelection of Navarra, María Chivite, as well as the Organization Secretary of the PSN-PSOE, Santos Cerdán.
The item is added to the one announced last February, 2,500 million euros, which already represented the largest disbursement for educational scholarships in history and 70% higher than the investment made by the previous government, the Popular Party. Then, the Government estimated that a million young people could benefit from the new aid for education.
This new investment in education joins the battery of social measures announced by the president in the weeks prior to the upcoming regional elections on May 28. This Saturday, Sánchez has once again recalled in his speech other social policies that he has promoted and consolidated in the legislature, both in terms of education and other more economic ones ‒the increase in the minimum wage or ceilings on the price of energy and food .
The investment in Vocational Training constitutes the latest announcement on social matters by the Government, which barely 48 hours ago managed to push the Housing Law through Congress. The new norm, the first of democracy, the Government seeks to shield the right to housing, but also to put a cap on the rise in rents, one of the main demands of its coalition partner, Unidas Podemos, from the beginning of the legislature.
Just a few days earlier, the President of the Government had announced the designation of 100,000 public homes for affordable rentals, 48,000 of them from Sareb, complying with one of the main demands of progressive formations.
This Saturday, Sánchez has defended these bets of the Socialist Party in the face of the next elections, which he has described as far from the “neoliberal response” that the PP implemented during the years after the last economic crisis. “Reforming is not cutting back, it is not attacking the social majority, it is not causing pain,” said the socialist president. “To reform is to dignify and that is why we have dignified the Minimum Interprofessional Wage or working conditions, and we are going to do the same with the Housing Law: dignifying the access of young people to housing in our country.”
Sánchez has had an impact on the rehabilitation of hundreds of thousands of homes carried out and has expressed his “outrage that Spain is at the bottom of subsidized housing in Europe.” After the announcement of the forthcoming approval by the Council of Ministers of 1,300 million euros “to further strengthen Vocational Training in our country”, the president has advanced his intention to support public health, with the renewal of health centers Primary Care.
Source: www.eldiario.es