EH Bildu has announced an agreement with the Government to include in the next anti-crisis aid decree, which will be approved this Wednesday by the Council of Ministers, the prohibition of evictions of vulnerable people until 2025.

The formation explains, through a statement, that it “has managed” to get the Government to include “finally in the next decree of social and economic measures that prohibit the evictions of vulnerable people until 2025.” Also, that “EH Bildu had requested the Government to include this measure and after the negotiation and the agreement reached it will be included in the decree that will be approved tomorrow, which will allow us to continue maintaining the shield against evictions for vulnerable people without a housing alternative. ”.

The political party celebrates this proposal, which together with the 3% cap on rent increases implemented through the Housing Law, they consider “essential in the face of the difficult housing situation experienced by thousands and thousands of families.”

Extension of the rate for community boilers

But it is not the only measure that has been agreed with the Executive, since last week Bildu already reported that an agreement had also been reached for the prohibition of cuts to basic supplies (electricity, water and gas) and the expansion of the TUR4 regulated rate for community boilers.

The Basque formation “positively” values ​​the scope of the agreement, as well as the maintenance of other social measures that will allow it to continue providing protection “still very necessary in the difficult economic and social context.”

Of course, Bildu warns that it is “fully aware” that the measures “are still not enough” to face the crisis that many people are going through. For this reason, he has committed to continue working “to advance the improvement of labor rights, food and housing, basic pillars for a dignified life.”

The details of the extension of the anti-crisis plan will be known tomorrow, after its approval in the Council of Ministers and there are still issues to be closed, for example, those related to discounts on public transport, such as free passes on Renfe or the tax on The bench.

Other proposals are clearer, such as continuing to lower VAT on basic foods, to avoid price pressure on the shopping basket.


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