The privatized companies want to earn more. Gas distribution and transportation companies asked the government for increases of up to 500% in rates starting February 1 and a monthly update system. If these increases are validated, inflation would accelerate even further. The demands were made on Sunday to the gas regulatory body (Enargas) for the public hearing on January 8 to agree on the new tariff tables.

Naturgy he wants increases from 438% to 639%. In the invoices they mean around $4,555 for the R1 category and $20,809 for the R3-4, which are the ones with the highest consumption, according to the newspaper Clarín.

Metrogas wants increases of 376%. This increase would mean that residential users with the lowest consumption in the three categories would pay a bill of $4,318 and those with the highest consumption would pay a bill of $19,333.

While, Gasnea requested rate increases between 437% and 703%, Transportadora Gas del Sur (TGS) 567%, Gasnor between 438% to 704%, Camuzzi Gas Pampeana 421%, y Redengas 481%.

Privatized companies not only ask for a sharp increase in invoices, they also ask for monthly updates based on the General Level Wholesale Price Index (IPIM) surveyed by Indec. A benefit that does not apply to salaries, retirements or social programs.

The Government announced the reduction of subsidies, a measure that the Fund has been demanding for a long time. The Frente de Todos government also advanced in segmentation to reduce subsidies to comply with the IMF.

Enough of the privatized business. Public services are an essential right of working people. Electricity and gas services should be nationalized in all its stages (production, transportation and distribution) under the management of the workers themselves and with control of popular users to provide quality service, without interruptions.


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