This Thursday night an important cacerolazo takes place in the center of the city of Córdoba. More than 3000 people They were present to repudiate Milei’s adjustment and the mega DNU that was announced this Wednesday. The concentration had been taking place in a completely peaceful manner, when the police attempted to carry out an eviction with gas and pushing. Despite this, the bulk of protesters remained in place, when a new eviction attempt was made.

The Cordoba Police -governed by the Peronist Llaryora, successor of Juan Schiaretti, repressed after 10 p.m. In addition to the injured, there are at least five detainees. Among them are Juan Celli and Santiago, militants of the Youth of the PTS-Frente de Izquierda. Among those arrested is a minor under 17 years of age. They are located at the headquarters of Courts II. At 11 p.m. there were still around 1,500 people in the Patio Olmos area.



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