As we have been covering in this medium, the conflict in Coca Cola de Córdoba began two months ago with the workers demanding a wage increase. At the time, the Ministry of Labor of the province issued the mandatory reconciliation what ended this monday. During the course of it the company refused to give rise to a simple claim from the workers: a salary increase to avoid losing with inflation. An even more logical request to a multinational like Coca Cola what remark the prices weekly while wages lose month to month.
The workers went on strike after voting in a massive assembly of the three shifts and with the corresponding union coverage. They exercise a constitutional right with a more than fair claim. But you are companies are used to do what they wantto subdue any labor right because union leaders are complicit and the government endorses them.
Up to the time of writing this note, it is known that there are thirty dismissed workers and in the minutes signed by the notary Maria Mur Molina are justified layoffs for “having been absent from his job without justification or legal support” appealing to article 244 of the Labor Contract Law. An article that cannot be applied to a union measure of a collective nature since said article governs individual conduct. They are illegal and arbitrary dismissals, with the sole objective of generating fear and division among the workers who, three days ago, have supported a measure of struggle. Such is so among those dismissed there is a congressional delegate who has privileges and a worker who is on vacation.
On the other hand the company can seek to run the arc and for the Ministry to intervene again, issuing conciliation and stop the fight. However, a conciliation would be an authoritarian and illegal measure, since the conflict is for another reason that has already exhausted all the arbitration instances of the Ministry. The leadership of the union, instead of saying “we warned that this could happen”, has to put itself at the forefront rejecting layoffs, organizing a fight fund so that no sacked comrade lacks support for their families and extending the struggle with assemblies in Pritty, Quilmes, etc. until every last comrade is reinstated and salary claims are won.
These days, with the long weekend in between, are key to strengthening the fight and staying closer than ever.. Although the conflict has had media coverage, it could help to carry out protest actions such as cuts and mobilizations to give visibility to the claim, to show that in Córdoba the big employers do what they want, they overwhelm all labor rights.
Unity, coordination and solidarity to win
It seems that a manual is circulating among the business chambers of the province on how to respond to workers’ claims. In Bagley In response to the claim for the arbitrary dismissal of a colleague, the group company Arcor responded with 29 more dismissals. Either the notary Mur Molina works for both companies or it is shown that These multinationals believe they are above any labor right and they are not willing to give in to workers’ demands.
We know that they pursue the same interests, that They have the complicity of union leaders and the support of the government. They manage what is said in the big mediabut as a worker commented this morning, “this fight has to help us realize that we have strength, that nothing can work without us. If we are united we can win”.
we all know that Unity is the first thing to maintain in a conflict, but it is often difficult to coordinate between workers from different factories. The union leaderships have been in charge of dividing us but We have the opportunity to build that coordination because we have the same problems and we are facing multinationals who have no problem joining together against our claims. In addition to Bagley, today the workers of Montich were holding a protest, last week the workers of WEG, before the teachers and the health personnel persist in their fight. Common actions seeking solidarity will strengthen each claim and win popular sympathy and support, because we are all suffering from adjustment and inflation.
Long live the struggle of the Coca Cola workers!
All in, no layoffs!
Salary increase now!
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com